重塑文明最终战胜丧尸 Remakingcivilization,finallybestingthedead 这似乎是一种完美的生活方式 thatseemslikeaperfectlyfinewaytospendone'slife, 而我们留下的那些人 andthepeoplethatweleftbehind 他们的子孙后代将拥有一个新世界 theirchildren'schildrenwillhaveaworld. 我要回家 I'mgoinghome. 跟着你的感觉走吧瑞克...
wewereapproachedbyoneofthem. 他们提议我们可以资源交换 Theyproposedaresourceexchange,如果我们遇到了需要救助的迷失的 人andifwe,uh,cameacrosslostsoulswhoneededsaving,我们就留住他 们把他们交给公民共和军 WewouldholdthemandgivethemtotheCRM.如果我们发现了威胁 ...
Sonoonecanleaveever. 这个城市实行自治 Thecitygovernsitself 完全独♥立♥ 「军队completelyseparatefromthemilitary.但它 遵循一个规则 Butitfollowsthatonerule,一个来自墙外的法则 thatIlawfromoutsidethewalls. 他们救下的人要在郊区工作 Thepeopletheyrescue,theyworkintheoutskirts,杀死行尸以获取能源...
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live《行尸走肉:存活之人(2024)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,你虽然怀揣着秘密 我还是带你进来了 Im letting you in on a secret. 你能来到这儿都是因为有我 You are here because of me. 而能从这里逃走的唯一方式 The only
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live《行尸走肉:存活之人(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我们告诉自己我们是行尸走肉 Rick: We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead. 瑞克 我们还在一起 Rick Were in here together. 我们会失去一些人 Rick: We
“We are the ones who live.” It’s a poignant final phrase for a show that has captivated fans for 11 seasons, 12 years, and 177 episodes. Now,The Walking Deadhas officially come to an end. Note: The following contains heavy plot spoilers for the series finale of The Walking Dead. ...
Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, the Rick and Michonne spinoff, spoilers follow.The Ones Who Live has finally come to an end, and honestly, they could have just stayed dead for what it's worth. With so much hype going into this series, which promised not just the return of Michonne ...
Showing Dr. Bennett what happens to one or both of his daughters if he steps out of line. 相关精品文档 更多 The Walking Dead: World Beyond《行尸走肉:外面的世界(2020)》第二季第二集完整中英文对照剧本 The Walking Dead: World Beyond《行尸走肉:外面的世界(2020)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照...
LOS ANGELES STREETS - BROADWAY - NIGHT 126 NEW ANGLE: Chris walking down Broadway. This is clearly just blocks away from where we last saw him, yet the atmosphere is as if of a different world. One of those downtown LA hip yuppie blocks. He comes upon a bar. Through the window Chris...
‘I had no intention of doing that. I forgot that I was wearing iron shoes. Who will believe that I did not do this on purpose?’ ‘No sentimentality, comrade!’ cried Snowball, from whose wounds the blood was still dripping. ‘War is war. The only good human being is a dead one....