There are also quick time events throughout the game that add to the tension. The Walking Dead includes sequences where you have to rapidly tap a button to fight off an enemy as well as sequences where you have to quickly take down zombies by clicking on them. The Walking Dead was neve...
PC《行尸走肉:命运 The Walking Dead: Destinies》英文版下载!改变 AMC 的 The Walking Dead 的历史进程。与丧尸搏斗,重温标志性时刻,通过你的选择将英雄与反派、幸存者和丧尸分离,改变The Walking Dead 宇宙的命运。你会像Rick一样做出相同的选择,还是另辟蹊径?
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners for Steam - Notice: Requires a virtual reality headset. Valve Index HTC Vive Oculus Rift Windows Mixed Reality About the game: LIVE The Walking DeadSaints & Sinners is a game...
Heroes and villains, living and dead – it’s up to you to decide whether to stay the course of history or forge your own path through the world of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Shatter Fate: Alter the story of AMC’s The Walking Dead by weaving your own path through the series’ events...
PC《行尸走肉:终极系列合集/The Walking Dead: The Final Season》中文版下载v1.0.0.1!一间与世隔绝的学校或许终于能让克蕾敏汀安家,但是保护家园势必有所牺牲。 关于这款游戏 克蕾敏汀跨越重重难关,成为了一位坚强自立的幸存者,她的旅途终于到达了最终章。多年来在活人和丧尸的威胁下流离失所,或许她终于能在一...
The Walking Dead is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series.
游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2012年4月30日 官方网站: 游戏介绍...
Download full Walking Dead, The: Download + 400 Days - Easy Setup (4.23 GB) Walking Dead, The screenshots:Originally released in five installments by the episodic experts at Telltale Games, The Walking Dead puts players in the middle of a zombie apocalypse based on the popular comic and ...
In The Walking Dead: A New Frontier play as Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, you meet a young girl who has experienced...