Along my life’s journey, I have gotten better at recognizing these moments asencounters with the divine. The story of the Road to Emmaus is a fantastic reminder that our life—our faith—is a journey with Christ, whether we recognize it or not. Though that journey, our faith and our li...
Today, should someone dare to express surprise at our sadness, we reply in words very like those of the walkers on the road to Emmaus: “Where have you been these past days? How could you not know? What are you, deaf, dumb, blind, or perhaps an idiot?” A few days ago, I listen...
He has published three books of poetry: The Clerk's Tale, The Road to Emmaus, and Acts. In addition, he published The Secret Gospel of Mark: A Poet’s Memoir and All The Beauty Still Left: A Poet’s Painted Book of Hours, watercolors. He edited Counting Time Like People Count Stars...
Wisdom (L) unattributed, Vanderbilt Library; Mary Magdalene and Jesus in the Garden (C), Washington Cathedral, Rowan and Irene LeCompte; Walk to Emmaus (R) Orsi, Lelio, 1511-1587 Easter Morning verse EASTER MORNINGa double acrosticEither Jesus really did rise orAll his followers made up the ...
Robert Zund, “Road to Emmaus,” 1877 Another wonderful scripture is Luke 24, which illustrates how Jesus takes the initiative even when we’re not in a good spiritual “place”. The two downcast fellows walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus, discouraged and grieving that Jesus was gone. Jesus appe...
(today’s Oslo), Munch began to live a bohemian life under the influence of nihilist Hans Jæger, who urged him to paint his own emotional and psychological state ('soul painting'). From this would presently emerge his distinctive style. Travel brought new influences and new outlets. In ...
The Supper at EmmausTerbrugghenHendrick
Whatever happened to Jesus changed him so much that people who had followed him didn’t recognize him. Mary Magdalene sees him when he’s alive again and thinks he’s the gardener; she doesn’t recognize him until he says her name. The men on the road to Emmaus walked and talked with...
Spencer Reeceis the canon and rector of historic St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Wickford, Rhode Island. He has published three books of poetry:The Clerk's Tale,The Road to Emmaus, andActs. In addition, he publishedThe Secret Gospel of Mark: A Poet’s MemoirandAll The Beauty Still Left...
How to Get There: From the Piazzale Roma or Ferrovia (the bus and railroad station), boarded the Line 3 “Diretto Murano”vaporetto(water taxi) and drop off at the “Museo”vaporettowater bus stop.The museum is a short walk along the Fondamenta to your left as you get off the water ...