National University of Singapore under grant R252-000-130doi:10.1007/s00454-005-1192-0Helmut AltOtfried CheongAntoine VigneronSpringer-VerlagDiscrete and Computational GeometryH. Alt, O. Cheong, and A. Vigneron. The Voronoi diagram of curved objects. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 34:439-453...
的球面 Voronoi 多边形,称球面 Voronoi 多边形的集合为球面 S 上点集P 的球面 V图 [6] (如图l)。 图l 球面点集的 Voronoi 图 Fig. l Voronoi diagram on sphere based on points sets 球面实体包括点、弧和曲面,而目前现有的球 面V 图生成算法都是基于球面点集的矢量算法, 如Augenbaum [7] 的插入法[复...
Microtomography; X-rays to create cross-sections of a physical object that can be used to recreate a virtual model [22] Euclidean Distance Map (EDM) indicates, for each pixel in the objects of the originally binary picture, the shortest distance to the nearest pixel in the background (or ...
Voronoi creates a Voronoi diagram. This is a way of partitioning space based on a set of “seed” points, where every pixel is assigned to the closest seed… You know what? I can’t fit a full explanation here, so go read the article for the details. 3D patterns I hinted at this ...
1(1941–1965) The Birth of the Finite Element Method The origin of the FEM as a numerical modeling paradigm may be traced back to the early 1940s. In 1941, A. Hrennikof, a Russian-Canadian structural engineer at the University of British Columbia, published a paper in the ASMEJournal of...
In the Voronoi representation, the boundaries of the cone regions in the image plane form the Voronoi diagram of the sample point set. In this representation, we utilize the straight-line dual of the Voronoi diagram: the Delaunay triangulation. Given a single view, we can construct a two-...
Since computing the Voronoi diagram of curves is quite difficult we characterize those points algebraically and compute them using the computer algebra system SYNAPS. This paper describes in detail which points have to be considered, by what algebraic equations they are characterized, and how they ...
The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs | Combinatorial bounds and applications, Comput. Geom.: Theory & Appls - Berg, Everett, et al. - 1998 () Citation Context ...i diagram as the points move. The best known bound on the number of changes in the entire Voronoi diagram of a set ...
This paper presents a numerical investigation on the plastic forming of doubly curved surfaces of aluminum foam sandwich panel (AFSP). A mesoscopic 3D Voronoi model that can describe the structure of closed-cell aluminum foam relatively realistically was established, and a series of nu...
years, and provide a better understanding of the parameters, tools, and controls that contribute to the design and manufacturing processes of shoes. The main focus is on highlighting the product design-related trends within the footwear industry. A structured framework becomes apparent in the ...