Unlock 5 pieces of equipment, 4 lunar items, and 18 standard items in Survivors of the Void. Behold Horrifying Monsters ... and Gup More of Providence’s creatures are loose and they’re not thrilled by this threat to their world. The gelatinous Gup has returned, and he’s brought som...
In my lifelong vocation of looking for my penis, trying to fill in the visual void, I have come across only a handful of primary and secondary references to Asian male sexuality in North American representation. Even in my own video work, the stress has been on deconstructing sexual represent...
Latino & Indigenous men. If we’re going to talk about equal pay in this age of demands that women “Lean In” let’s talk about who is getting hired, and for what jobs. Let’s talk about racial bias in hiring that means that qualified people of color (and yes that includes women,...
Define filius. filius synonyms, filius pronunciation, filius translation, English dictionary definition of filius. n a son Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
The gelatinous Gup has returned, and he’s brought some new friends from the far reaches of Petrichor V. Beware this adorable orange abomination, tread too close and it’s likely to bounce you off a cliff. The most powerful creatures come from The Void. Your ability to reach The Void ...
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Valderrama helps fill a void left by departing “NCIS” castmember Michael Weatherly. The actor recently recurred on “Grey’s Anatomy” and also appeared on “Minority Report,”“From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series” and “Awake.” He first came to fame as “Fez” on Fox’s “That ’70s...
BIT.TRIP Void Sound Effects Blasphemous Key Events Bloons Card Storm Sound Effects Borderlands 2 Ellen Hayle Borderlands 2 Felicia Sexopants Borderlands 2 Guilt Gun Borderlands 2 Lindy Borderlands 2 Molly Barrow Borderlands 2 Mordecai Borderlands 2 Moxxi ...
It was a pretty intimate moment & the openness & charm of the Latino culture once again showed us that the world is a good place full of good people. We didn’t walk out of the coop without buying sweaters that we knew were made right in that little shop in town by honest hands &...
As is so often the case with the great record labels, nobody else was doing it, so musician Johnny Pacheco and lawyer Jerry Masucci stepped in to fill a void. Fania Records wasn’t the first Latin record label, and had Fania never existed it’s very likely that many of these bandleade...