播放失败,请刷新页面重试 错误码undefined 重试 Die Gewinner für Deutschland (Live At The Year In Vevo)-VEVO/Justin Bieber/Sia 播放量:1.4万 在手机上播 视频简介 VEVO/Justin Bieber/Sia发行时间:2015-12-15
notably in the Rhenish Mining District (West Germany) and in Lusatia (East Germany), two regions whose economies are based on lignite mining. Transitions away from lignite will significantly alter local conditions, but coal
GEWINNER, IRINA (2017): Inequality in Academia: The Way Social Connections Work. In, THWAITES, R., and PRESSLAND, A. (eds.), Being an Early Career Feminist Academic: Global Perspectives, Experiences, and Challenges, 195-214. London: Palgrave Macmillan....
<![CDATA[ Wir haben unser erstes Ziel mit eurer Hilfe erreicht und sind unter den Gewinnern des Crowdfunding Wettbewerbs gelandet! Darum unterstützt die Hertie-Stiftung unsere Kampagne mit 2500€. Wir haben aktuell etwas mehr als 8.000€ und 200 Unterstützer! Herzlichen Dank! Nur wenn wir ...
Slow 3d-charge fluctuations also result in a remarkable three-peak structure of the Mn3s line.doi:10.1016/S0368-2048(99)00006-7P SchiefferC KrembelM.-C HanfG GewinnerJournal of Electron Spectroscopy & Related PhenomenaP. Schieffer, C. Krembel, M.-C. Hanf, G. Gewinner, Strong ...
Contrary to expectations generated by European models, claims about regionalism in Central Africa work precisely to affIrm forms of political rule that are increasingly regressive.doi:10.1002/pssb.2220700219Gewinner, GCentre Universitaire du Haut‐Rhin, MulhouseKubler, L...
Their saturation explains the semimetal-to-semiconductor transition observed upon adsorption of atomic H.P. Wetzel and T. Angot and C. Pirri and G. GewinnerSurface Science
Accurate measurement of the in-plane magnetic anisotropy energy function Ea(胃) in ultrathin films by magneto-optics. D. Berling,S. Zabrocki,R. Stephan,G. Garreau,J.L. Bubendorff,A. Mehdaoui,D. Bolmont,P. Wetzel,C. Pirri,G. Gewinner. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials . 2006...
ARUPS reveals two-dimensional band states which confirm the high structural quality of this compound and shows that it is a unique example of a two-dimensional semi-metal.doi:10.1016/0169-4332(93)90744-VP. WetzelC. PirriD. BolmontG. Gewinner...
We provide a systematic review of the literature, point to several shortcomings in existing published studies and make recommendations for future research aiming to inform policy and other decision makers.Ulf LiebeDepartment of SociologyJennifer Gewinner...