kids' animation remains a dismissible art form, and the intelligence of its audience is often underestimated. In 2022, the industry facedHBO Max's purgeof several animated projects, an ongoing battle for fair wages, and the abridgement or outright cancelation of numerous...
Like beloved kids' classics from the '80s that managed to balance heartwarming adventure stories with moments of genuine fear and darkness, "The Imaginary" feels like an old-school animated movie that doesn't talk down to kids. It offers a heartwarming story about the power of imagination, g...
Voice cast Aaron Pierre as Mufasa, a lion who grows up to become the future king of the Pride Lands and the father of Simba. Braelyn and Brielle Rankins voice Mufasa as a cub Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Taka, a lion who later becomes known as Scar. He is a young prince and adoptive...
Hollywood remake?Not a Hollywood one (unless you could The Matrix [Lawyer's note: No, we don't]), but a Japanese one, called Ghost in the Shell 2.0, in 2009, which rerecorded the voice acting, gave it new animation and music, but kept the original script and storyboard. PrizesBest...
Basically, my iPhone 11, which is totally out of date because we’re up to iPhone 16 now, puts Captain Kirk’s communicator and Commander Spock’s tricorder to shame. Also, do kids these days even know who those two are? It is now hard to imagine the world without the now ubiquitous...
Office -81.45%As of market close12/17/2024 $1.22 Company name Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Industrial 1 Year Total Return -16.00%As of market close12/17/2024 Stock price $3.66 Get Nareit Developments blog posts delivered straight to your inbox. ...
You can set the speed and loudness of the voice, and you play any quote as many times as you want. To check your understanding, you'll see the English equivalent for each. There are lots of things you can do with it. • On the Quotes Tab: You set the language (one of eleven ...
(sometimes three) jobs and wrangling three kids, I need a full nights rest. And I feel very fortunate that I get it. I do, however, wake Sonny a couple hours after I put him down for the night, before I go bed myself (around 10pm or 11pm) and feed him one last time. And I...
Jill Biden, providing support to service members, veterans, and their families. In addition to her public service endeavors, Michelle Obama has authored two books: her memoir, Becoming, and a journal, Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice, both of which have been widely ...
Kids want to have fun, and Writing Wizard offers a lot of fun to keep them motivated in the learning process! • They can trace using 50+ animated stickers and sound effects • Once tracing is complete, they can interact with them on 4 games that animate letters • They can trace ...