humbleness,humility- a humble feeling; "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope" 2.meekness- a disposition to be patient and long suffering subduedness humility,humbleness- a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride; "not everyone regards humility as a virtue" ...
Sources of Bushido Rectitude or Justice Courage, the Spirit of Daring and Bearing Benevolence, the Feeling of Distress Politeness Veracity or Truthfulness Honor The Duty of Loyalty Education and Training of a Samurai Self-Control The Institutions of Suicide and Redress The Sword, the Soul of the ...
CONTENTS Preface Preface to the Tenth and Revised Edition Bushido as an Ethical System Sources of Bushido Rectitude or Justice Courage, the Spirit of Daring and Bearing Benevolence, the Feeling of Distress Politeness Veracity or Truthfulness Honor The Duty of Loyalty Education and Training of a ...
"They symbolize the seven virtues of budo," O Sensei said. "These are jin (benevolence), gi (honor or justice), rei (courtesy and etiquette), chi (wisdom, intelligence), shin (sincerity), chu (loyalty), and koh (piety). We find these qualities in the distinguished samurai of the past...
The Bushido code teaches respect, appreciation for life, mercy, benevolence, and leading by example. The Unlikely Samurai Japan’s Age of Wars was a time when bloodshed was the norm and the sword was the law. A peasant boy named Hideyoshi who didn’t have a coin to his name wandered the...
Bushido refers not only tomartial rectitude, but to personal rectitude:Rectitude or Justice, is the strongest virtue ofBushido.A well-known samurai defines it this way: ‘Rectitude is one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when to...
The knights and nobles of feudal Japan were the samurai, retainers of the daimyo. Thus, Bushido was the code of conduct of the samurai, the aristocratic warrior class which arose during the wars of the 12th century between the Taira and Minamoto clans-and came to glorious fruition in the To...
In this section, we will analyze some virtues extolled and emphasized in bushido; namely, rectitude/justice, courage, benevolence, politeness, veracity/sincerity, honor, loyalty, and self-control. Rectitude/justice Rectitude is the most severe lesson and it "is the power of deciding upon a ...
In the same letter you say: "To obey one's lord or parents, whether they are right or wrong, is exemplary behavior, approved by the Buddhas and kami and according with worldly virtue." Because this is the most important of important matters, I will not venture to give my own view but...