The Virginian The Virginian, also known as The Men From Shiloh, is an American Western-themed television series starring James Drury and Doug McClure which aired on NBC from 1962 to 1971 for a total of 249 episodes. It was the first Western to air in 90-minute installments each week (75...
The Virginian James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee Majors 2,218 votes The Shiloh Ranch in Medicine Bow, Wyoming is home to The Virginian, the top hand who enforces law and order in the surrounding lands. In this long-running series, he tackles everything from cattle rustlers to bank robbers, ...
(The Virginian), Sean Marshall (Pete's Dragon) and Keith Coogan (Adventures in Babysitting). Although the series only lasted 1 season, it was enough to catapult Stevens into the spotlight. Shawn was quickly picked up by the teen magazines and in 1980, at the non-teen age of 20, was ...
Tuesday night’s broadcast featured episodes 2 and 3, which featured the Battles of Shiloh and Antietam respectively. Shiloh has always had a special place in my historical heart, as men from my home county (Jersey County, Illinois) fought bravely there. A great accounting comes from Leander ...
For whatever reason, Grant’s career had stagnated before the Civil War, and Thomas, the quintessential Virginian, had made steady progress. Of course, this disadvantage was completely reversed with the start of the war, but that does not mean that old resentments were forgotten. After the ...