In the animated fantasy film How to Train Your Dragon, Hiccup (Jay Baruchel) is a young Viking who, unlike his tribe, isn't keen on killing dragons. Stoick (Gerard Butler), Hiccup's father and village chieftain, struggles to understand his son's pacifist tendencies. During one of the dra...
But, with the international sensation of the Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis vehicle entitled The Vikings in 1958, Italians were quick to jump on this particular bandwagon as well, resulting in a seven-year cycle of Viking films. And Mario Bava, best known for his proto-slashers and horror ...
Viking communities settled near coastlines or rivers. Longhouses made of planks were usually designed with minimal openings, like doors and a tiny hole in the roof. In addition to being skilled craftsmen, the Vikings were shipbuilders. They were known for their longships that could traverse strong...
Specially designed for kids, with voice-overs, fun facts and interactive games to help children build essential knowledge of Ancient history at home and in school. Find out what life was like in Viking times, build your own Longship, write your name using ancient runic alphabet and learn abou...
is a young viking who, unlike his tribe, isn't keen on killing dragons. stoick (gerard butler), hiccup's father and village chieftain, struggles to understand his son's pacifist tendencies. during one of the dragon raids, hiccup injures a night fury dragon named toothless. instead of ...
great showcase for Eggers' unique brand of historical storytelling. Here, Eggers draws on the legend of Amleth, which heavily inspired Shakespeare's "Hamlet." As a result, the film often feels like a Viking version of "Hamlet," with a little of "The Lion King" thrown in for good ...
Katie McMullin just voted in her first presidential election. A 2022 HHS graduate, McMullin was co-Editor-in-Chief of The Viking Views her senior year. Here are her thoughts and opinions on moving forward, in her words. “I...
NameKnown for Tiego Newton Ninja Bankston & Biggs(2020) Brazen Newton Cowboy Ninja Cowboy Viking vs. the Modded(2018) Jace Newton Viking Ninja Cowboy Viking vs. the Modded(2018) Eleni Corson Amber Ninja Cowboy Viking vs. the Modded(2018) ...
Our diverse collection of games keeps kids engaged and motivates them to learn more! We've developed an extensive curriculum that covers number sense and math t…
“How to Train Your Dragon (2010):Join Hiccup and Toothless in the Viking village of Berk as they forge an unlikely friendship between humans and dragons. DealBestseller No. 1 How to Train Your Dragon: 3-Movie Collection - Blu-ray + Digital ...