Behind the veil.(FEATURES)(WEEKEND)(Persepolis)(Movie review)Rainer, Peter
He wintered at Babylon, but in the summer the heat was terrible in that region; the citizens retired to their cellars, and the king went to Susa, which was situated on the hills, or to Ecbatana, the ancient capital of the Medes, or to Persepolis, the true hearth and home of the ...
How the Idea of the Veil is Intertwined with the Quest of Identity in PersepolisMahmood, Ihsan MudharJournal of Surra Man Raa
arts Article Authenticity and Restoration: The Benefits of Historical Studies on Re-Examining the Implemented Restorations in Persepolis Mahdi Motamedmanesh Institute for Architecture, Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Straße des 17. Juni 152-Sekr. A 16 10623 Berlin, Germany; mahdi....