Medical Encyclopedia vec·tor (vĕk′tər) n. 1.Mathematics a.A quantity, such as velocity, completely specified by a magnitude and a direction. b.A one-dimensional array. c.An element of a vector space. 2.An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microo...
A saying from the Vedas claims that “Speech is the essence of humanity.” All of what humanity thinks and ultimately becomes is determined by the expression of ideas and actions through speech and its derivative, writing. Everything, the Vedas maintain, comes into being through speech. Ideas ...
which represents the ultimate reality and is considered the essence of the Vedas. The text elaborates on how each part of ‘AUM’ corresponds to different states of consciousness and aspects of the universe.
The Ten Principal Upanishadswas compiled and translated to English byShree Purohit SwamiandW.B. Yeats. More than 200 Upanishads are known and all texts explaining the Vedas are passed down orally. TheUpanishadsselected for this introductory book are: The Lord (Eesha-Upanishad) At Whose Command?
This verse is said to be about the ritual. One of the explanations is that the white Soma-bull (पृश्निम्)confers on the devotees the desired fruits of action (उक्षाणम्–फलस्यसेक्त्तIरं).The Ritviks who ...
Vedanta, rooted in the ancient Vedas, is one of the world’s oldest and most expansive spiritual philosophies. It emphasizes the oneness of all existence, the divinity of the individual soul, and the harmony among all religions, offering timeless wisdom for personal and spiritual growth. Through...
Of these, Anumati personifies the night before the full-moon night; Raka the full–moon night; Sinivali the night before new-moon night; and Khuhu the new-moon night. And, later these goddesses also come to be identified with metres (Chhandus): Anumati with Gayatri; Raka with Trishtubh...
Only an ignorant fool can argue that Bhagwad Gita is supreme when it too declares Vedas to be supreme. Just to burst your rubbish argument, all Indians are also descendants of Steppe nomads. It was our ancestors who wrote the Vedas. By your moronic logic, Jesus Christ was a Jew...
This blog is of the life of Carol and Richard after retiring from Silicon Valley in the USA. We moved to India in 2007 to stay at the foot of the holy mountain, Arunachala. Then after eight amazing years, we moved to Mexico, where we now reside. We love
Religion and Indian society are inseparable, and religious scriptures such as theVedas,Puranas, Mahabharata,Ramayanaplay a significant part in the construction of a socio-cultural discourse that determines manners, morality and ethics of individuals. InThe Grip of ChangeKathamuthu is seen constantly hoo...