The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a first-person story-driven mystery game that focuses entirely on exploration and discovery. It contains no combat or explosions of any kind. If our game leaves any scars, we hope you won’t be able to see them.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a first-person story-driven mystery game that focuses entirely on exploration and discovery. It contains no combat or explosions of any kind. If our game leaves any scars, we hope you won’t be able to see them.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a first-person story-driven mystery. Purchase this game to get both the original and the Unreal Engine 4 remaster called The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux. 最近评测: 特别好评(14) 全部评测: 特别好评(6,719) ...
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a first-person story-driven mystery game focused on exploration and discovery. You play the game as Paul Prospero, an occult-minded detective who receives a disturbing letter from Ethan Carter. Realizing the boy is in grave danger, Paul arrives at Ethan’s hom...
名称:The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux 类型:冒险,独立 开发商:The Astronauts 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏The Vanishing of Ethan Carter才能畅玩。
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter's story is powerful, and its world is one of the most beautiful I've ever played through. PC Gamer by Christopher Livingston 82 / 100 A tense and spooky stroll through a gorgeous world, some fun supernatural detective work, and an efficient script with sparse...
《The Vanishing of Ethan Carter》 《The Vanishing of Ethan Carter》是一款着重于探索与发现的第一人称解谜游戏。作为超自然侦探 Paul Prospero,一步步还原 Ethan 的失踪背后的真相及其家族的命运。 基础游戏 ¥60 立即购买 加入购物车 添至愿望清单
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux玩家视角 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多6661 2 1:38 App 这个注入, 我感觉我的脊被发凉! 20.4万 57 3:07 App 地铁怪谈18 3万 316 25:20 App 【恐怖游戏】我不该随便在网上下载奇怪的诡异游戏 5.1万 107 13:59 App 2023最新驱魔电影《教皇的...
Epic Gamesライブラリに『The Vanishing of Ethan Carter』が2つ表示されている場合は、異なったエンジン(Unreal Engine 3 [オリジナルエディション]とUnreal Engine 4 [Reduxエディション])によって開発された異なったエディションのゲームが存在しているた...
伊森卡特的消失 The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 7.9分 全部短评 (255)热门短评 / 最新短评 清醒夢2025-01-02 22:42:25 讨厌解谜游戏。 0 三层阁楼2024-12-19 09:13:57 风景很美,没有玩的欲望 0 acros2024-12-14 17:34:05 5小时里有2小时在困惑地欣赏景色。剧情很松散,开始也没清晰的提示,到...