Van der Linde236 米 Dunkin Donuts242 米 Cafe van Zuylen226 米 Nude Burger Club241 米 Siam Thai Restaurant198 米 Coffeeshop Siberië305 米 Rob Wigboldus Vishandel301 米 Flemish Fries Snackland280 米 De Bijenkorf百货367 米 Condomerie405 米 De Beurspassage264 米 Primark264 米 Zenza463 米 Prix...
Rimondini R, Arlinde C, Sommer W, Heilig M. 2002. Long-lasting increase in voluntary ethanol consumption and transcriptional regulation in the rat brain after intermittent exposure to alcohol. FASEB J 16: 27–35. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Robbe D, Kopf M, Remaury A, Bockaert J, Manzoni...
Van der Linde74 米 Dunkin Donuts123 米 Flemish Fries Snackland132 米 Humphrey's Amsterdam112 米 Manneken Pis Damrak195 米 KFC145 米 Proeflokaal Arendsnest322 米 The Grasshopper265 米 Burger Bar Kolksteeg175 米 La Piazza Amsterdam316 米 ...
您可以前往Addison on Madison、Susan van der Linde、Davidoff of Geneva、Hammacher Schlemmer、Howard Greenberg Gallery、Urban Center Books、Chinese Porcelain Company、Vermont Candle Company、Extraordinary和Pace Wildenstein - 57th St.等地,尽情享受购物的乐趣。这些地方提供了各种各样的商品,无论您是在寻找时尚...
另一个瞬间来自于游戏接近结尾的部分,目睹了形同自己父亲的恩师杜奇•范德林德(Dutch Van der Linde)自杀后,马斯顿终于完成了联邦特工埃德加•罗斯(Edgar Ross)设下的全部任务,踏上了回家的路。策马穿行在参天大树之间,地上皑皑白雪,耳边则响起了那首《罗盘》(Compass),听到那句“我只需要一个能领我找到你的...
An infrared spectroscopic study of the adsorption of water and CO2 by Linde molecular sieve X. J. Phys. Chem. 67:1621. Google Scholar Besoain, E., J. M. Serratosa, and A. Hidalgo, 1964. Infrared absorption spectra of the clay fraction of some Chilean volcanic soils. Anal. Edafol. ...
Vanderlinde、Arjan van der Linde - Killing The Man (Live)
That is to say, the benefits of innovations triggered by properly designed environmental regulations “may partially or more than fully offset the cost of complying with them” (Porter and van der Linde, 1995, p. 98). However, it reaches no consensus in terms of the association between ...
van der Linde Toward a new conception of the environment-competitiveness relationship J. Econ. Perspect., 9 (4) (1995), pp. 97-118 CrossrefGoogle Scholar Ramanathan, 2018 R. Ramanathan Understanding complexity: the curvilinear relationship between environmental performance and firm performance J. ...
Van der Linde107 米 Dunkin Donuts47 米 Stone's Café118 米 Nude Burger Club94 米 Flemish Fries Snackland37 米 Maoz Vegetarian68 米 Humphrey's Amsterdam127 米 KFC189 米 PANCAKES Amsterdam Centraal263 米 Burgerbar Warmoesstraat236 米 Starbucks Damrak153 米 Brouwerij de Prael269 米 The Old Sa...