In 'The Vampire Diaries', the vampire species came into existence after werewolves, who were the original inhabitants of America before its discovery. The series introduces vampires through the characters of Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore, who become involved with the main character, Elena Gilbe...
Supernatural Species Witch Werewolf Vampire Original Vampire Hybrid Ghost Spirit Doppelgänger Golem Human Mystic Falls Mystic Grill Mystic Falls High School Mystic Falls Hospital Mystic Falls Cemetery Fell's Church Vampire's Tomb Wickery Bridge Salvatore Boarding School New...
Species Vampires Spirits Angels Lore The Dark Gift Talamasca Sacred Core Great Laws (Concept) Immortal Universe Novels The Vampire Chronicles Interview with the Vampire The Vampire Lestat The Queen Of The Damned The Tale of the Body Thief Memnoch the Devil The Vampire Arm...
The Southern Vampire Mysteries [南方吸血鬼系列] 01 - Dead Until Dark 热度: 吸血鬼日记_第一季第九集 The Vampire Diaries---Script---S01 EP09【【纯英文 经典单词、日常口语批注】】 热度: 第二集,追寻前身的幻影 那是威尼斯人的作品 It'sVenetian. 跟...
WithinThe Vampire Diariesuniverse, supernatural blood is often the solution to any problem that might come up, with Hope Mikaelson's blood offering the greatest number of abilities. As the tribrid, Hope represents the height of supernatural potential, with the ability to do nearly anything that is...
Species (1995) Bruce Wright Stafford 1 Fire in the Sky (1993) Stewart J. Zully Stan Dreyfus 1 Vice (I) (2018) Cully Fredricksen Detective 1 Star Trek: First Contact (1996) Colette Mann Lorraine 1 Prisoner (1979) Dan Albright Diggs 1 I Know What You Did Last Sum...
Through an investigation of how the image of vampires has evolved and changed in the course of the 20th century, I will show that the contemporary vampire is not merely the embodiment of demonic evil, but rather a supernatural and complex creature that is closely related to the human species ...
feelings that come with it are just as important. Buffy’s relationships with Spike and Angel, two men of different species, are wild and create an awful lot of angst for her throughout the show. Willow is another character who faces plenty of upset and heartache inBuffy the Vampire Slayer...
国籍:美国出生地:美国路易斯安娜州科温顿出生日期:1978年12月8日星座:射手座 BADONE Forovercenturies,Ihavebeenlivedinsceret,hidingintheshadows,aloneintheworld.untillnow,Iknowtherisk,butIhavetoknowher.TheclassiclineofStefanleadsawaytothemysticworldofamysticspecies---vampire.Themainfocusoftheseriesisthe...
The Vampire Diaries(2009) John Hemphill Agent at Pool Zodiac(2007) Carmen Nicole Tonarelli Reporter Jill (as Carmen Nicole) Angel(1999) Alex Paez Carlos Meteor(2009) William Rogers News Pundit (as Will Rogers) Married... with Children(1987) ...