By default, the session duration of the user portal is 8 hours, which means the maximum duration for a user to log in to the user portal without re-authentication is 8 hours. After the maximum session duration expires, the user logs out of the user portal and needs to be authenticated ...
At this point, your application has an access token, which is sent in the Authorization header of API calls. This is the token that allows the app to access Microsoft Graph on the user's behalf.However, this token is short-lived. The token expires an hour after it's issued. This is ...
kubernetes版本为v1.16.3 使用kubelet get node后报错:x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid,提示证书过期。 解决 检查证书何时过期 复制代码 kubeadmalphacertscheck-expirationCERTIFICATEEXPIRESRESIDUALTIMEEXTERNALLYMANAGEDadmin.confMar27,202407:41UTC<invalid>noapiserverMar27,202407:41UTC<invalid>noap...
Falling back to default configuration # CERTIFICATE EXPIRES(过期时间) RESIDUAL TIME(剩余时间) CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY EXTERNALLY MANAGED(是否是外部管理) # admin.conf Jan 15, 2023 10:43 UTC <invalid> ca no # apiserver Jan 15, 2023 10:42 UTC <invalid> ca no # apiserver-etcd-client Jan 15, ...
If an invalid date string is set to the value of "expires" the same thing happens. Expected Behavior The response should be that the "expires" is set to that which is in the request payload, or an error if it is invalid and not setting it to null which has the result that the toke...
The control interface will return the content through the control interface in the slowest interval time, and the end is invalid when the user establishes the connection. Request Description The proxy sends an HTTP POST request to the control interface URL. There are two fields in the form data...
This error occurs if the domain is locked down and uses delegated admin accounts. You need to confirm that this server hasn't been moved between domains and is unique. To get a list of all SPNs to verify that the SPN value is unique for a server, run theSetspn -...
If the format of the Authorization value in the request is invalid, 400 Bad Request is returned with the InvalidArgument error code. The date and time in all OSS requests must be in UTC that is specified in HTTP/1.1. The date is in the following format: date1 = 2DIGIT SP mo...
In the sample code, you can also set the value of the DateTimeBehavior property by directly specifying the string value: DateTimeBehavior = "UserLocal"If you do not specify the behavior while creating a date and time attribute, the attribute is created with the UserLocal behavior by...
By default, a message never expires. If a message will become obsolete after a certain period, however, you may want to set an expiration time. You can do this in either of two ways. You can use thesetTimeToLivemethod of theMessageProducerinterface to set a default expiration time for ...