Chinese culture hasindeliblevalue.We know Chinese culture hasmore than5000 historyand this culture is constantly developing.If we go deeply and you will find the value of Chinese culture is仁(ren), which means mercy, benevolence or love.This ideology comes of Confucius.He believe that people sho...
The core value of Chinese traditional culture is the concept of harmony.Harmony is,in fact,a complete cultural system that consists of not only(1)___ (value) but also a philosophy with its own world outlook.Harmony means "proper and balanced cooperation between things". With harmony at the...
The value of Chinese Harmony culture to the worlddoi:10.1007/s40636-018-0131-8MingqiuResearchQiResearchSpringerINTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION OF CHINESE CULTURE
In this paper, through the analysis of the value of Chinese culture and the impact of Ideological and political education,it promotes the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture and ideological and political education, in order to facilitate the development of the two. 展开 关键词: ...
For example,some people might say, “each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants”,that is to say,geographical factors play a decisive role in the formation of values; some may hold “culture is personality”,which means historical traditions and cultural factors play a ...
Cultural relics record the past, reflect the present and enlighten the future. We need to explore the value of cultural relics, tell Chinese stories well and promote creative transformation and innovative development of fine traditional Chinese culture so as to keep the Chinese culture continuousthroug...
The symbol of Chinese culture(中国文化的特征)课件.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 中国文化的历史渊源中国文化源远流长,积淀了数千年的灿烂历史。从先秦时期的儒家思想,到宋代的理学发展,再到明清时期的文化复兴,中国文化一直在不断发展演变,呈现出独特而丰富多彩的特征。
For the above positioning of the ideology, the Chinese people still have doubts about it, and there is always a feeling of "making something out of nothing but lingering". There are also attempts to interpret "Chinese culture" from a new perspective, to clear the unfounded and self-centered...
The major premise for realizing harmonious culture is to reinterpret the goal of "socialist culture with Chinese characteristics",which can help enhance our identification w. 实现文化和谐的首要前提是对"中国特色社会主义文化"目标的重新认识与创造性构建;以目标引领增进文化认同,通过更广泛、更深层的文化认同...
An Empirical Examination of the Influence of Psychological Value,Hotel Attributes and Culture:the Intentions of Chinese and Thai Travellers to Visit Green ... (2)心理价值观(psychologicalvalues)(3)酒店特色(hotelattributes)和(4)对绿色酒店的态度和入住意向的文化因素(culture),以及(5)上述四个因素互相影...