The states [invalid_states] are invalid for the {EKS_DO} delivery option. Provide a valid visibility state from the following allowed values: Limited. INVALID_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE_PARAMETER_VALUE The override parameter values [invalid_values] are invalid. Provide a valid value from the following li...
The sample average is 18 years. Although no statistical measurements have been made, Figure 3 shows a typical Gaussian distribution around the average value, thus confirming that the sample is well represented in terms of professional experience, too. The respondents with experience in interpreting we...
In Setting Foundations for the Creation of Public Value in Smart Cities. Berlin: Springer, pp. 197–222. [Google Scholar] Velicogna, Marco. 2021. Cross-Border Civil Litigation in the EU: What Can We Learn from COVID-19 Emergency National e-Justice Experiences? Available online: https://...