tates cairn tunnel co tatey tateyama hell valley tateyamachojo tatfiw tatiana nabieva tatli dÜnya tats lautong fuk tatsuhiko sakurai tatsunori osakabe tatsunoshinmachi tatsuya mihashi furoi tatsuya tanigawa tattle telling tattooing of the corn tatue of liberty ew y tau booetis ab tau man ji d...
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M. (1987). Building and rebuilding terraces in the Colca Valley of Peru. Yearbook: Conf. Latin Americanist Geographers, 13, 51–57. Google Scholar Treacy, J. M. (1989). Agricultural terrace in Peru’s Colca Valley: Promises and problems of an ancient technology. In J. O. Browder (...
A multigene phylogeny was constructed, including a significant number of representative species of the main lineages in the Xylariaceae and four DNA loci the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), the large subunit (LSU) of the nuclear rDNA, the second largest subunit of the RNA polymerase II...
They then attacked the Western Qara-khanids, first defeating them at a battle in the Ferghana Valley in 1137 and then overwhelming a combined Qara-khanid and Seljuk army at the Battle of Qatwan north of Samarkand in 1141. The Qara Qithay continued their surge westwards, conquering the Seljuk...
The Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda was purpose-built to save gorillas—and inspire a new generation of environmental advocates.
Southwest China is one of the major global biodiversity hotspots. The Tanaka line, extending within southwestern China from its northwest to its southeast, is an important biogeographical boundary between the Sino-Japanese and Sino-Himalayan floristic regions. Understanding the evolutionary history of the...
population, settled in the Quebrada Camarones (Fig. 2) region of Chile's Atacama Desert some 7000 years ago, evolve adaptations to it. By observing variations in the gene coding for As methyltransferase (AS3MT) in nearly 150 people from northern (Quebrada Camarones and the Azapa Valley,...
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