The Usual Suspects: Directed by Bryan Singer. With Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollak. The sole survivor of a pier shoot-out tells the story of how a notorious criminal influenced the events that began with five criminals meet
The Usual Suspects: Directed by Bryan Singer. With Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollak. The sole survivor of a pier shoot-out tells the story of how a notorious criminal influenced the events that began with five criminals meet
欣赏本片时必须全神贯注留意每一个细节,如此才能在压轴高潮谜底揭晓时获得恍然大悟的乐趣。演员都很出色,凯文・史派西跟他所扮演的角色那样,令人惊叹其内功(他获奥斯卡最佳配角)。片名来自《北非谍影》中的一句台词。“非常嫌疑犯”属于误译,“Usual”是“非常”的反义词。 ...详情 ...
The Usual Suspectsis a 1995 American (1) ___ by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by Bryan Singer. It stars Gabriel Byrne and Kevin Spacey. The film follows the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint, (2) ___ who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked ...
Release DateAug 16, 1995 Duration1 h 46 m RatingR Genres Crime Drama Mystery Thriller TaglineThe greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist Website Awards ...
The Usual Suspects (1995)How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss? —Roger 'Verbal' Kint Share Tweet Post More Sine waves shimmering upon a black harbor on an elegant loop. The music: a string orchestra (a quartet?), piano, and bell. Audio commentary excerpt with ...
The Usual SuspectsA heist thriller, The Usual Suspects captivated audiences when it appeared in 1995. Directed by Bryan Singer, the film won Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor. This study examines the film's...Ernest Larson...
Early roles from future Academy Award winners Kevin Spacey (in which he actually won for his role herein) and Benicio Del Toro boosted the status and quality of this film, no doubt about it. The latter shined in the opening police lineup scene ofThe Usual Suspects(1995), while Spacey was...
Written by Christopher McQuarrie,The Usual Suspectsbroke all sorts of records upon its release in 1995, including Academy Awards for both best supporting actor and best original screenplay. The movie is about a group of criminals, who upon meeting in a prison cell, plan out a dangerous heist ...
出版者:British Film Institute 作者:Ernest Larsen 出品人: 页数:96 译者: 出版时间:2002-06-01 价格:USD 14.95 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:9780851708690 丛书系列:BFI Film Classic 图书标签:电影分析p The Usual Suspects (BFI Modern Classics) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...