If the <Tomcat installation directory>\bin\ directory does not contain the setenv.bat configuration file, create the file in the <Tomcat installation directory>\bin\ directory. Jetty Add the following configurations to the {JETTY_HOME}/start.ini configuration file: --exec -javaagent:/usr/loc...
You can adjust this line with sudo crontab -e #Ansible: T-Pot Daily Reboot 42 2 * * * bash -c 'systemctl stop tpot.service && docker container prune -f; docker image prune -f; docker volume prune -f; /usr/sbin/shutdown -r +1 "T-Pot Daily Reboot"' Known Issues The ...
#!/usr/bin/env n98-magerun.phar script config:set "web/cookie/cookie_domain" example.com cache:flush # Run a shell script with "!" as first char ! ls -l # Register your own variable (only key = value currently supported) ${my.var}=bar # Let magerun ask for variable value - ...
/usr/sbin/nologin dnsmasq:x:109:65534:dnsmasq,,,:/var/lib/misc:/usr/sbin/nologin lightdm:x:110:114:Light Display Manager:/var/lib/lightdm:/bin/false rtkit:x:111:116:RealtimeKit,,,:/proc:/usr/sbin/nologin pulse:x:112:119:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/run/pulse:/usr/sbin/nologin saned:...
[root@localhost /]# crontab -l 0 1 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate cn.pool.ntp.org 手动执行报错: [root@localhost /]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate cn.pool.ntp.org 22 May 13:56:26 ntpdate[17023]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting 停止ntp服务: [root@localhost /]# service ntpd stop Shutting do...
You can initiate an ASET session by using the/usr/asetcommand interactively. Or, you can set up ASET to run periodically by putting an entry into thecrontabfile. ASET tasks are disk-intensive and can interfere with regular activities. To minimize the impact on system performance, schedule ASET...
Warning: /export/home/my-zone does not exist, so it cannot be verified. When 'zoneadm install' is run, 'install' will try to create /export/home1/my-zone, and 'verify' will be tried again, but the 'verify' may fail if: the parent directory of /export/home/my-zone is group- or...
/home/pi/gocode/bin/lnd OK, the Lightning Node software is installed and configured. Now it’s time to set it up to run at boot time: pi@raspberrypi:~$ chmod +x lightning-start.sh pi@raspberrypi:~$ crontab -u pi -e Add this line to the bottom, under the bitcoin-start.sh line...
然后再次使用locate命令,仍旧是提示上面的错误,db不存在。 解决方法 使用命令sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb,直接更新locate的db,等几分钟后再使用locate命令。
The malware first checks whether it’s running from the locations/usr/bin/,/bin/, or/tmp/. If it’s not running from these locations, then it creates and copies itself using a 10-character string name on those locations, as well as/lib/and/var/run/. ...