In 2016, the USGS reorganized the Landsat archive into a tiered collection structure, ensuring that Landsat Level-1 products provide a consistent archive of known data quality to support time-series analyses and data “stacking”, while controlling continuous improvement of the archive and access to ...
(2021) when coupling machine learning model with the GR4J hydrological model. Advances in data science has led to the growth of programming libraries, frameworks, and toolboxes for the implementation of data driven, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms. Python and R packages like Svars...
The challenge of balancing biodiversity protection with economic growth is epitomized by the development of renewable and unconventional energy, whose adoption is aimed at stemming the impacts of global climate change, yet has outpaced our understanding
Streamflow data for model calibration were obtained for USGS streamgage station 06884025 (Figure 1). Model sensitivity analysis and calibration were performed using Sequential Uncertainty Fitting algorithm version 2 (SUFI-2) procedure in SWAT-CUP [75] (Figure 3). Model parameters based on the ...
The source data (Mg ha-1, 0-30cm) were derived from the GSP-FAO soil carbon stock map (GSOCmap V1.5, with a resolution of 1km, and downscaled to 100 m resolution via a forward stepwise General Linear Model (GLM) regression followed by Regression Krig...
This review article provides a synthesis of the most significant transitions taking place in the energy systems of the USA in 2018. These include the leveling off of the total consumption of primary energy and electricity, a shift away from coal-fired el
This review article provides a synthesis of the most significant transitions taking place in the energy systems of the USA in 2018. These include the leveling off of the total consumption of primary energy and electricity, a shift away from coal-fired el
Data Availability Statement Not applicable. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and editor for their constructive comments and suggestions. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References American Association for the Advancement of Science. Ri...
By combining data from Webb’s infrared and Hubble’s ultraviolet observations, scientists can see beyond the dust-obscured star-forming regions and gather detailed information about galactic structure. This makes IC 1623 an ideal case for studying galactic evolution and the lifecycle of starburst gala...
Data Centers' Secret Cost: Billions of Gallons of Water, the "internet giant taps public water supplies that are already straining from overuse." In contrast, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water Science section estimates that each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day...