The-use-of-force-使用暴力 The-use-of-force-使用暴力 时提出只要他们承担责任我就不会坚持做这次喉咙检查。 If you don’t do what the doctor says you’ll have to go to the hospital, the mather admonished her severly. 如果你不按大夫说的去做,你就要去医院了,母亲严厉地警告她。 Oh yeah? I...
The use of military force faces strong opposition among key US allies where opinion polls show ___ majorities of the populations support a peaceful solution. (分数:1.00) A.substantial B.enormous C.considerable D.overwhelming √ 答案 解析:[考点] 词义辨析 [解析] enormous: 巨大的、庞大的;substant...
The policy and practice of use of force in the correctional settingM. L. GriffinJ. R. Hepburn
(1996). The use of force: Israeli public opinion on military options. Armed Forces and Society, 23(1), 49-80.The use of force: Israeli public opinion on military options." ArmedForcesand Society23:Barzilai, Gad and Efraim Inbar. 1996. "The Use of Force: Israeli Public Opinion on ...
•Resist:抵抗抗拒忍耐-resistance 自考高英上Lessontheuseofforce9 •Hysterical:歇斯底里的,发狂般的•Hysterian.狂躁症。癔症•crazy •Mad •insane •Lunatic •Outofone’smind 自考高英上Lessontheuseofforce10 •Instinctively本能•Instinctn.本能,天性•Naturen.自然本质•Byinstinct出于本能...
CONTROLLING THE USE OF FORCE IN CYBER SPACE: THE APPLICATION OF THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT DURING A TIME OF FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE IN THE NATURE OF WARFARE The article discusses the application of the law of armed conflict in controlling cyber activities that target U.S. systems. It explains the ...
This article discusses the challenges to and reforms of the UN collective security system from the perspective of international law.By analysis of some scholars' views and related latest UN documents,it argues that interpretation of the principle of pro- hibition of use of force by States should ...
I broke in. Don’t call me a nice man to her. I’m here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it. But that’s nothing to her. Look here, I said to the child, we’re going to look at your throat. You’re old enough to unde...
The attempt to outlaw war as a means of national policy and to establish a system of collective security after both World Wars resulted in the creation of the United Nations Charter, which remains a principal point of reference for the law on the use of force to this day. There have, ...
摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材真题是The Use of Force(使用武力)。文章作者威廉姆·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯,全文共17段,每段都有翻译注释,方便大家阅读,一起来看看! 【导读】威廉姆·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯(1883~1963)是美国著名意象派诗人,但他创作的短篇小说同样出色,经常与舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson)、欧内斯特·...