原文The Use of Force The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)Word Count: 1564 They were new patients to me, all I had was the name, Olson. Please come down as soon as you can, my daughter is very sick.When I arrived I was met by the mother, a big startled ...
the parents were contemptible to me. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.
I had to smile to myself. After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat, the parents were contemptible to me. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject 9,crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her te...
摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材题目是The Use of Force(使用武力)正文有注解,文章作者威廉姆·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯(William Carlos Williams),全文共17段,文章包含雅思词汇、例句讲解,一起来看!威廉姆斯既是一位艺术家,还是一名出色的医生。他喜欢描写行医过程中遇到的普通人:他们的痛苦、灾难、艰辛与自尊,与此同时...
The-use-of-force-使用暴力 The-use-of-force-使用暴力 时提出只要他们承担责任我就不会坚持做这次喉咙检查。 If you don’t do what the doctor says you’ll have to go to the hospital, the mather admonished her severly. 如果你不按大夫说的去做,你就要去医院了,母亲严厉地警告她。 Oh yeah? I...
摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材题目是The Use of Force(使用武力)正文有注解,文章作者威廉姆·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯,全文共17段,文章包含雅思词汇、例句讲解,一起来看! 【导读】 威廉姆•卡洛斯•威廉姆斯(1883-1963)是美国著名意象派诗人,但他创作的短篇小说同样出色,经常与舍伍德•安德森(Sherwood Anderson)、海...
Theuseofforce使用暴力 下载积分: 3588 内容提示: Lesson Three The use of force 使用暴力 -- by William Carlos Williams Text They will new patients to me, all I had was the name, Olson. Please come down as soon as you can, my daughter is very sick. 他们是我的新病人,我所知道的只有名...
“The Use of Force”是一篇深入探讨权力、冲突与道德抉择的英文课文。虽然无法直接提供原文内容,但可以基于常见主题进行概述。这篇课文很可能围绕一个或多个场景,如军事冲突、警察执法或国际政治中的权力运用,来探讨使用武力的正当性、后果以及道德困境。它可能通过叙述、对...
The use of force The use of force 大意: Mathilda had been ill for three days. Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn’t do any good. So they had to ask the doctor to come. There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda School and two of them had been ...
小说主要由叙述和引语两部分组成,即叙述、描写或评论和直接或间接引语。叙述是小说的主线,引语则是叙述的主要组成部分。美国短篇小说The Use ofForce篇幅虽短,但在叙述视角和引语的使用方面具有鲜明的特色。基于此,试从叙述和引语的使用两方面对The Use ofForce进行分析,旨在总结出该小说的叙述特点。