Rare-earth isotope yields in the fission of Pu 239 by pile neutronsNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01514616L. M. KrizhanskyYa. MalyA. N. MurinB. K. PreobrazhenskySpringer NatureAtomic Energy
The research team is focusing on an isotope of the element thorium. The thorium nucleus in question has 229 nuclear building blocks – protons and neutrons – and can reach an excited state that is only around eight electron volts more energetic than its lowest energy state, the so-called gro...
2. Uranium occurrence in crustal rocks, ground and surface waters, and chemistry in groundwater 3. Sources of uranium in groundwater 4. Uranium in the environment and its health effects 5. Regulatory limits of uranium in different countries 6. Uranium concentrations in groundwater in India 7. ...
(“+” for protons and “−” for neutrons). The parameter R0 is 1.43A1/3 fm for both protons and neutrons while the parameter Rso is 1.37A1/3 fm. The diffusivity parameter a and aso are chosen to be the same value 0.7 fm. μ is the reduced mass of the α-core system and the...
By fuel enrichment: (a) Natural-Uranium fuel (NU) (99.3%wt of non-fissile isotope uranium-238 (238U) and 0.7% of fissile isotope uranium-235 (235U)) (CANDU-type reactors, Magnox reactors), (b) Slightly-Enrich...
(between 5% and 30%) uranium, or the transuranic (TRU) elements currently produced by pressurized water reactors (PWRs) [7]. In the present work we have considered two versions of the MSFR, one version started with233U as fissile material, and a second version started with a mix of TRU...
Fig. 8. Evolution over time of various isotopes for a ∼1 mW kg−1 geo-reactor only composed by uranium. Presence of 232Th would increase the specific power required to maintain the 235U critical fraction since 232Th would absorb part of the neutrons otherwise absorbed by 238U without con...
difficulties in the isotope production have hindered testing these models in the immediate region of the nuclear chart below the heaviest self-conjugate doubly-magic nucleus100Sn, where the near-equal number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N) lead to enhanced neutron-proton pairing. Here, we presen...
2). With its high density and atomic number, lead is ideally suited to absorb γ-rays. However, it is not a very radiopure material, in particular its naturally occurring radioactive isotope 210Pb contributes to the background observed in the experiment. Therefore, CRESST lead was produced ...
236U is mainly induced by the nuclear reaction 235U(n,γ) with thermal neutrons in reactors which use 235U fuel, and this anthropogenic U isotope has been used as a fingerprint of environmental contamination arising from use of U fuel, e.g. from nuclear reprocessing facilities, Chernobyl NPP ...