The untold want by life and land ne'er granted, Now voyager sail thou forth to seek and find. -Walt Whitman, Passage to India In Walt Whitman's 1871 Passage to India, the poet claims to celebrate the related themes of scientific and technological achievement and spiritual transformation, the...
The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find. –“The Untold Want,” Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass The word “Voyager” conjures visions of long journeys by sea and, of course,Star Trek®.Moreover, the famous Voyager spacecraft,...
The Longest Day, 1962 最長的一天 Whitman, Walt 華特.惠特曼(美國) 1819-1982 “The Untold Want” Now, Voyager, 1942 揚帆 Love and Death on Long Island, 1997 長島生與死 “I Sing the Body Electric” Bull Durham, 1988 百萬金臂 “Song of Myself” Beautiful Dreamers, 1990 繼續 “Oh Captain!
- Oh! Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass. 489 00:32:21,560 --> 00:32:25,439 The untold want, by life and land neer granted, 490 00:32:25,560 --> 00:32:31,237 Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find. 491 00:32:31,360 --> 00:32:33,555 ...
25:31 Love and Death on Long lsland (1997): The Untold Want 26:15 L.I.E. (2001): Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking 27:25 The Notebook (2004): Spontaneous Me; Continuities 29:19 Leaves of Grass (2009): To You 31:10 Breaking Bad (2011-2013): When I Heard the Learn’d Astro...
Joined by Princess Eilonwy (Susan Sheridan), Fflewddur Fflam (Nigel Hawthorne), and a creature named Gurgi (John Byner), Taran navigates through dangers untold in this 1985 Disney animated fantasy-adventure film. The movie is a thrilling blend of magic, danger, and courage, underpinned by ...
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Then he changed his mind and "stated that his name was Todd Hodne ... that he was a Penn State football player and that he did not want his name out." He was leaving the station when an officer told him he matched the description of...
In this all-new hour-long special, four very different characters -- Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Gary the Stormtrooper -- reveal untold stories that weave and interconnect throughout all six Star Wars films! Set phasers to "fun"! Oh wait, that's the wrong franchise. ...
If you want really to do your best in an examination, fling away the book the day before, say to yourself, "I won't waste another minute on this miserable thing, and I don't care an iota whether I succeed or not." Say this sincerely, and feel it; and go out and play, or go...