The Unspoken Rules 作者:Gorick Ng 出版社:Harvard Business Review Press 副标题:Secrets to Starting Your Career Off Right 出版年:2021-4-27 页数:288 定价:USD 21.49 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781647820442 豆瓣评分 8.6 79人评价 5星 51.9% 4星 35.4%...
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哈佛职业顾问戈里克·吴(Gorick Ng)在他的书中揭示了职场高手们默默践行,却从未宣扬的规则,可以帮助职场新人节省掉多年的独自摸索,在职业生涯中建立优势。📖 The Unspoken Rules: Secrets to Starting Your Career Off Right 🎵 Music by Roa 职场生存法则 知识 职业职场 职场 学习 读书 教程 经验分享 哈佛 ...
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The Unspoken Rules: Relation Management in the Brazilian Culture Within a Context of Conciliation Hearings 听证会文化巴西调解范畴管理相对主义语音数据摘要:Carolina Scali AbrittaUniversidade美中外语:英文版
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Office Etiquette: The Unspoken Rules in the Workplace》。最新《【预订】Office Etiquette: The Unspoken Rules in the Workplace》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《【预订】Office Etiqu
The Lighter Side: The Unspoken Rules of Book Reviewing By the editors May 19, 2011 Editor, This Month The Unspoken Rules of Book Reviewing: A Guide for Beginners Rule 1: Only review a book if you can be impartial about it—that is, only review a book toward which you feel nothing...
America's often-unspoken morality codes make many topics taboo in "the land of the free." This book analyzes hundreds of popular culture examples to expose how the media both avoids and alludes to how we derive pleasure from our bodies. ...