墨尔本法学院(Melbourne Law School)经常排名在世界前十名,并且一直保持澳大利亚第一名。墨尔本商学院(Melbourne Business School)的排名始终位居世界百强,澳大利亚第一名,被英国高级技术移民签证计划(Highly Skilled Migration Programme)列入世界前50大MBA...
– 相關課程:Master of Commercial Law 商法碩士 Master of Teaching (Secondary)中學教育碩士 在教育領域上墨爾本大學始終領先前茅,以培養出該國一些最好的教師而聞名,身為維州第一學府非常重視教育研究和循證實踐,你將通過學習熟練地評估個別學生的能力,並能夠調整您的教學以支持課堂上每個學生隨著時間的推移不斷成長...
The University of Melbourne was constitutedby the newly formed Parliament of Victoria in 1853 and its foundation stonelaid in 1854. The University has been synonymous with Melbourne’s intellectualgrowth and global reputation ever since....
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne,简称墨大)始建于1853年,是澳大利亚历史第二悠久的大学,在澳洲被归为“砂岩学府(Sandstone University)之一。墨尔本大学也是澳大利亚八大名校(Group of Eight)所组成的核心盟校成员,也是Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地,同时还是国际著名研究型大学联盟组织环太平洋大学联盟(APR...
墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne学校网址:www.unimelb.edu.au学校概况墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)是澳大利亚的一所重点教育研究机构。墨尔本大学是澳洲
Faculty of Engineering)、Melbourne School of Land and Environment(formerly Faculty of Land and Food Reource)、Melbourne Law School(formerly Faculty of Law)、Faculty of Medicine、Dentitry and Health Science、Faculty of Muic、Faculty of Science、Faculty of...
The study centers on the findings from a 2007 study involving the students at the University of Melbourne Law School wherein they were surveyed about their interests in studying law, expectations of academic success, and readiness to study. The study found that high-achieving respondents indicated ...
土地与环境学院Melbourne School of Land and Environment(formerly Faculty of Land and Food Resources)、法学院Melbourne Law School(formerly Faculty of Law)、医学、牙医及健康学院Faculty of Medicine、Dentistry and Health Sciences、音乐学院...
Melbourne Law School Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music ...
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),简称墨大,始建于1853年,是世界顶尖研究型大学,南半球首屈一指的学术重镇,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员。墨尔本大学坐落于澳大利亚文化,艺术与工业中心——墨尔本(连续多年被联合国评为“世界最宜居城市”)。墨尔本大学是澳洲六所砂岩学府之一,Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地...