The University of Bern is a public research university located in Bern, Switzerland. It was founde...
The University of Bern, based in the Swiss capital, was officially founded in 1834 - although it can trace its roots back to the 16th century, when it became compulsory for monks to be educated in a higher education institution. It was in the 1800s, however, that the university was offic...
However you may find it helpful to explore content about teaching and research from other universities below, curated for academics, jobseekers and university staff suggested Switzerland Global Università della Svizzera italiana 6900 Lugano, Switzerland The Università della Svizzera italiana is a public ...
Dear Participants As rector of the University, it is my pleasure to welcome you here in Bern for the Fall Meeting 2017 of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS). I personally appreciate this very much as I am myself a chemist, having participated on numerous occasions in this meeting in the ...
Two of the world’s top ten dentistry courses are located in Switzerland: The University of Bern takes seventh place in this respect, followed by the University of Zurich in eighth. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) has entered the top ten in the world with two subjec...
University of Oxford 牛津大学 英国 5 Harvard University 哈佛大学 美国 =6 California Institute of Technology 加利福尼亚理工学院 美国 =6 Imperial College London 帝国理工学院 英国 8 University College London 伦敦大学学院 英国 9 ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ...
伯尔尼大学(英文:University of Bern,简称UB)坐落于瑞士首都伯尔尼,是世界上著名的研究型大学。该校创建历史可以追溯到16世纪早期宗教改革中建立的清教神学院。伯尔尼大学是瑞士一流的公立性综合大学之一,专业涵盖从人文社科到自然科学等多个学科。 想要出国访问学习的小伙伴看过来啦,伯尔尼大学系统生物学、细胞生物学、发...
第41位→University of British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚大学 加拿大 第42位→University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 美国 第43位→Shanghai Jiao Tong University上海交通大学 中国 第44位→Fudan University复旦大学 中国 第45位→KU Leuven天主教鲁汶大学(荷兰语区) 比利时 ...
1.Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院 美国 2 University of Cambridge 剑桥大学 英国 3 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 美国 4 University of Oxford 牛津大学 英国 5 Harvard University 哈佛大学 美国 =6 California Institute of Technology ...
“英国和丹麦是(全球)进行基因组测序最频繁和最多的国家。”瑞士伯尔尼大学(University of Bern)病毒遗传学家埃玛•霍德克罗夫特(Emma Hodcroft)表示。“因此,这一变种可能存在于其他地区而尚未被检测出来。在区域和全球范围进行更多的协同测序工作,将有助于我们监测变种。” ...