奥克兰大学(简称:奥大,英文名:The University of Auckland),建于1883年,是新西兰综合排名第一的大学,也是新西兰最大的一所从事教学和研究的大学,并且是拥有最多专业的综合性大学。被誉为新西兰的“国宝级”大学,也是南半球顶尖大学中实力最强认可度最高的大学之一。同时奥克兰大学是全球从事研究工作的21所大学联盟(Un...
Discover all the masters ranked for The University of Auckland, ranking masters at The University of Auckland
Earlier this year, the University was ranked sixth in the 2022 THE (Times Higher Education) University Impact Rankings, which assess universities against the Sustainable Development Goals. Having held the top place for the first two years of this ranking, Auckland has remained in the top ten sinc...
2019年泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)发布的大学影响力排名(Times Higher Education University Impact Ranking)中,奥克兰大学雄踞全球第一位。在2018年路透社亚洲及太平洋最具创新大学排名(the Reuters’ ranking ofAsia Pacific’s Most Innovative Universities)中,奥克兰大学位居全球第39位,被麻省理工学院Skol...
奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)建校于1883年,坐落于新西兰第一大城市奥克兰市,是一所实力雄厚、世界顶尖的的研究型大学,也是新西兰拥有最多专业的综合性大学。在新西兰所有大学排名中,奥克兰大学位列第一。在世界大学排名中,奥克兰大学位列世界百强,其在学术和科研领域里取得的卓越成就享誉全球。 权威排名 在...
The overall ranking includes 462 universities from 76 nations. THE University Impact Rankings 2019: the top 10 University Impact 2019 rank World University Rankings 2019 rank Institution Country/region Overall score 1 201-250 University of Auckland New Zealand 97.2 2 77 McMaster University Canada 96.6...
University of Auckland tops first global ranking to measure institutions’ social and economic impact View the full results of the overall University Impact Rankings 2019 TheUniversity of Aucklandhas topped a pioneering new ranking that assesses the social and economic impact of universities based on th...
The University of Auckland is a research-led University, and had the second highest ranking in the 2006 Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF) exercise conducted by the government that evaluated the quality of researchers and research output of all tertiary institutions in New Zealand. With only ...
Included in theQS World University Rankings by Subjectfor the first time this year is a new ranking of the world’stop architecture schools. If you’re looking tostudy architectureat university and want to find a school with a strong global reputation in the field, rea...
How do you measure a university’s sustainability? To be eligible for this year’s ranking, an institution had to also be eligible for inclusion in our overall QS World University Rankings. Every university that’s included also had to meet a minimum level of...