Trend Recap: Add of a dose of infectious energy to your Reels with this Lorde remix. This trending audio is perfect for (you guessed it!) supercuts, or compilation and highlight vids. Audio: Original audio - twinsick Current # of Posts: 13.8K Trend: John Wall x Teach Me How to ...
Saving the Universe from Boskone and BugsInterested in Indigo?I've been posting some comments about Indigo on my other blog - feel free to subscribe if you're...Date: 03/22/2005new blog feed at answer a question from my comments, the sub...
Did you know: The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest-grossing film franchise ever, with over $25 billion in worldwide box office revenue. They only collapsed recently as they went ‘woke’, destroying the trust of fans all over the nation. Everything the Left controls, they destroy… ...
the same mechanisms that created the entire universe from nothing. Cold order from hot chaos. Wild, huh? Makes you wonder if we could use the Light to heat everything back up to the primordial fire. Let it all cool down into a different shape. Maybe even a better one.But...
Michael Cole reminds the WWE Universe, every time Brock hits the ring, of the following facts: he’s the Ncaa Division I Wrestling Champion, a four-time WWE Champion, an Undisputed Ufc Champion and a certified box-office and PPV draw. It’s no wonder that the WWE is paying him millions...
It’s that time of year when turkeys are served to carnivores who will stuff themselves to the point of needing a good nap. Before turkeys are roasted, deep fried, trussed and dressed, these big birds make a pilgrimage to the Fowl Capital of the World–Fowlutopiahome of theSt. Cluck Cat...
What upset the universe? Well, if you really want to know, this is the sort of vile sprew that society faced when it woke on Monday morning: I respect the importance of linking beer back to its agriculture—in fact this is something I feel personally invested in—but this is not the ...
Other self-reflexive, postmodernist, sardonic inversions of the adventure genre from 1964–1973 include: Thomas Berger’s Little Big Man, Richard Fariña’s Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me, Ishmael Reed’s Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down and Mumbo Jumbo, Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear ...
接上!Totore Stage 是毛球哥哥哒非常规跳刺!BigUniverse Stage 是大宇哥哥哒高难跳刺!Wind Stage 是风幻哥哥哒三段跳跳刺!Lvyuki Stage 是绿雪哥哥哒好玩跳刺!Coffee Stage 是咖啡哥哥哒高难跳刺!如果有漏掉的非常非常非常抱歉!最近有点忙傻了!请务必向咱指出乌咪!;-; 6楼2017-10-15 13:13 收起回复 Yo...
HOW-EV-ER, the ending was so over the top proclamation of public love it pretty much ruined the rest of the movie. I mean, “The universe falls away when we kiss” was a real piece of dialogue. Ok bitches, you met a day ago. Pump the brakes. BUT I’ll take a free Pentatonix ...