doi:10.1016/S0262-4079(06)61122-6VedralUniversity of Leeds, UKVlatkoUniversity of Leeds, UKNew ScientistIs the Universe Deterministic? - Vlatko Vedral - New Scientist 18/11/06.Vedral, V.: Is the universe deterministic? New Scientist, 18 November 2006, p. 55...
Determinism - The Universe is deterministic Votes: 10 47.6% Non-determinism - The universe is not deterministic Votes: 12 57.1% Don't know, Don't care - then why are you here? Votes: 0 0.0% Huh? - See #3 above, the one just before this one. Votes: 0 0.0% Duh? - See #...
In essence, computers that simulate the universe are also part of the universe. Therefore, if the computer can simulate the whole universe perfectly, it must also simulate itself. Not only that, the computer must simulate that it is performing a perfect simulation of the universe. If it is p...
an older result—the paradox of predictability—we demonstrate that, even in a deterministic universe, there are fundamental, non-epistemic limitations on the ability of one subsystem embedded in the universe to predict the future behaviour of other subsystems embedded in the same universe. As...
From there I infer that our world behaves in a manner that can be described by the prime numbers thus giving the answer to the old question if our Universe is deterministic or not – the answer is both are right and I show how. 展开 ...
All human beings have intelligence, but not everyone is intelligent. The universe from the big bang to humanity, until this day, with modern manners height, this is a full of hardships, everywhere is not a deterministic process, any changes are likely to delay or even prevent the...
In a deterministic or "block" universe, information is constant. Logical and mathematical philosophers follow Gottfried Leibniz and Pierre-Simon Laplace, who said a super-intelligent being who knew the information at one instant would know all the past and future. They deny the obvious fact that ...
The Universe Had One ChanceDeterministicChanceProbabilityInitial ConditionsIn a deterministically evolving world, the usefulness of nontrivial probabilities can seem mysterious. I use the 'Mentaculus' machinery developed by David Albert and Barry...
Following a train of logic, if this were true, consciousness only emerges from brain function, we have zero free will, and the entire universe is a deterministic machine. So why even bother with Transhumanism if everything is predetermined? It is logically inconsistent. Material Realism, the ...
universe, [T2]James stood for what he called the unfinished universe — a universe marked by growth, variety, ambiguity, mystery, and contingency — a universe where free men may find partial truths, but where no mortal man will ever get an absolute grip on Absolute Truth, a universe where...