Where is Science Going? Wege zur physikalischen Erkenntnis: Reden und Vortrage The Universe in the Light of Modern PhysicsTHE scientific views and achievements of Prof. Max Planck have often been referred to in NATURE, his recent work being the subject of an article published on July 9, 1932...
Fiber optics, thin strands of glass that transmit light over long distances, are the backbone of modern communication networks. Beyond the technological applications, the study of light touches upon some of the most profound questions in physics. The wave-particle duality of light...
We have seen lots of science fiction movies about aliens. People travel to stars and even fight with aliens in the movies. But are there real aliens in the universe(宇宙)? Most of us think it is impossible, just like fairy tales. But the answer of some scientists is yes. So they have...
inworking-agepeople,oftenwithchildren,before theageof60.Theratesofdeathamongparticipantsinthisgroupdidclearlyshowracialdifferences,withapproximately9% ofblacksdyingat anearlyagecomparedto6% ofwhites.There werealsodifferencesincausesofdeathbyrace. Forinstance,black men weresignificantly more likelytodieofmurderan...
Think about it: these are the individuals who've given us technologies that underpin modern life. The advancements in our understanding of electricity, magnetism, and light have resulted in everything from the smartphones in our pockets to the satellites orbiting our planet....
There is a formal analogy between the evolution of the universe, when it is seen as a trajectory in the minisuperspace, and the worldline followed by a test particle in a curved spacetime. The analogy can be extended to the quantum realm, where the trajectories are transformed into wave pack...
In fact, this question has a very counterintuitive answer, because when we think of the shape of something, we might imagine an object seen from its exterior. We should not think of the universe in the same way. The universe doesn't have an outer perimeter, and nothing exists outside it...
物理学Physics Formation of a low-mass galaxy from star clusters in a 600-million-year-old Universe “萤光”闪烁揭示早期星系形成 ▲ 作者:Lamiya Mowla, Kartheik Iyer, Yoshihisa Asada, Guillaume Desprez, Vivian Yun Yan Tan, Nicholas Martis, Ghassan Sarrouh, Victoria Strait, Roberto Abraham, Marusa...
relativity, on which much of modern physics is based, nothing in the universe can travel faster than light. The theory states that as matter approaches the speed of light, the matter's mass becomes infinite. That means the speed of light functions as a speed limit for the wholeuniverse. ...
The block universe idea, representing space-time as a fixed whole, suggests the flow of time is an illusion: the entire Universe just is, with no special meaning attached to the present time. This paper points out that this view, in essence represented by usual space-time diagrams, is ...