Go ahead, tell the universe what you really, really want. Audio: WANNABE X INTOXICATED - guymusicc Current # of Posts: 48.7K Trend: Chest Pain (I Love) — January 3, 2025 Trend Recap: Now playing: Comfort content, on an iPhone near you. Ease into 2025 with this dreamy audio made...
To learn the real truths about our soul, our spirit and it’s divine and rightful place in this universe. Thus, we are entering a whole new phase of personal discovery, requiring us to relearn almost everything we thought we already knew about ourselves — to act effectively, to act ...
a discerning heart se a discrete universe a discussion about th a discussion of servi a discussion on human a discussion on the r a disfigured face a disscussion on sun a distributed real ti a divorce or adoption a dmm a dog catching a mous a dogs day a domain and website a dominant ...
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” and “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” -Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist “Your hopes, dreams and aspirations are legitimate. They are trying to take you...
the united states pha the united states pos the unity of income t the universal church the universe in a nut the universe is too b the university of flo the university of gei the university of lei the university of lle the university of mai the university of man the university of man th...
Bask in My presence and know that I—the King of the universe—delight in spending time with you in My Word, through prayer, and just resting in companionable silence. Know this also: I delight in those who fear Me and put their hope in My unfailing love because of the resulting, ever...
At that time, if they have the ability to bind themselves to follow a plan, they’ll bind themselves to follow the plan “Be nice to rational agents less powerful than me, even if I find out that I’m on top of the food chain.” They’ll do this because if they do it, then ...
25. I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.― Mother Teresa 26. “Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you’ve changed, by believing. Once you’ve changed, other things start to follow. Is...
Am I the Only Conscious Being in the Universe? Posted on 30 Jan 25 ‘Solipsism is often regarded as an absurd idea, but Wittgenstein’s version might be the key to making it convincing….’ (via The Collector) Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply R.I.P. Marianne Faithfull, 78...
After the first “detections” of DM in the Universe, a Paradigm has, indeed, emerged and lasted until today. According to this paradigm, the correct scenario behind the DM Phenomenon must have the following properties: it connects the (new) Dark Matter physics with the (known) physics of ...