, 视频播放量 378、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 1, 视频作者 账号已注销, 作者简介 ,相关视频:[中文字幕+解析]除错灵丹(Debug Drug) -重音テト【ルシノ】,【SNL50中字】川普怒斥泽连斯基:
Got in a little hometown jam So they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land To go and kill the yellow man Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A. Come back home to the refinery Hiring man said "son if ...
I brought him up to be my pride and joy. Who dares to place a musket on his shoulder, To shoot some other mother's darling boy? Let nations arbitrate their future troubles, It's time to lay the sword and gun away. There'd be no war today, If mothers all would say, "I didn't...
Of the men and women that awful day, When we stood around to preach their funerals, And lay the corpses of the dead away. We told the Colorado Governor to call the President, Tell him to call off his National Guard, But the National Guard belonged to the Governor, So he didn't try ...
1.The United States of America (Since 1775)2. The National Flag:The Stars and Stripes(星条旗) OR popularly known as the Old Glory美国国旗的爱称 3. The National Anthem:The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗之歌 4. Capital City: Washington, District of Columbia (The District of Columbia was named ...
1、全称:The United States of America (美利坚合众国) 2、简称: the United States;the U.S.; America. 3、National Anthem:《星条旗永不落》 "The Star-Spangled Banner(同时可以叫做国旗)"1931 年被美国国会 正式定为国歌。 4、National Flower:Rose 5、Jet lag: About 16 hours (west of America), ...
the national anthem of the United States 词组短语 美国国歌明星版star-spangeld banner 美国国歌中文版American National Anthem 双语例句 1. The national anthem calls America “the land of the free”. 美国国歌将美国称为“自由者之地”。 —— 给力词典精选 ...
you're gonna let the sons of bitches walk all over you my friends said you'll get fired, hanging with that commie mob I should be so lucky buddy, I ain't got a job And you ain't done nothin' if you ain't been called a red ...
national anthem National anthem of Canada National Anthem of the United Kingdom National anthem of the united states National Anthem of the United States of America National Anthem Project National Anthem Selection Task Team National anthems National anthems ...
1.Name:theUnitedStatesofAmerica;theUnitedStates;theU.S.;America;2.Size:about9.4millionkm2;thefourthlargestcountry;50statesandafederaldistrict—theDistrictofColumbia—theseatoftheFederalGovernment;basicinformation 3.Nationalanthem:TheStarSpangledBanner(《星条旗永不落》)4.NationalFlag:the50starsrepresentthe50...