Country Code: A country code is a numerical prefix that is used in order to place a telephone call to a particular country. For example, if you are in the United States and would like to call Australia, the country code for Australia is 61. ...
欧路词典 The United States Code 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语例句库 用户正在搜索 countryward,countrywide,country-wide,countrywoman,countship,county,county agent,county council,county seat,county town, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a,...
dialing code: Each country has a unique country code; area code: This is the code for a part of The United States. It’s generally a general area or a city; local number: The local number you would like to dial. Here is a list of major area codes and city calling codes in ...
Complete guide on how to dial the United States of America with country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format...
(Santa Cruz) 003422 Diego Garcia 00246 Zanzibar 00259 00269 Mayotte North America Country or region code; country or region code United States 001 Canada 001 Midway Islands 001808 Hawaii 001808 Wake Island 001808 Anguilla 001264 Virgin Islands 001340 Lucia 001758 Puerto Rico 001809 Jamaica 001876 ...
(Santa Cruz) 003422 Diego Garcia 00246 Zanzibar 00259 00269 Mayotte North America Country or region code; country or region code United States 001 Canada 001 Midway Islands 001808 Hawaii 001808 Wake Island 001808 Anguilla 001264 Virgin Islands 001340 Lucia 001758 Puerto Rico 001809 Jamaica 001876 ...
The US has its own international country code, as does every other country. When you dial it, you’re signifying that you’re calling into the States from abroad. In the US, phone numbers are constructed with a 3-digital area code, followed by a 7-digit local number. ...
Countryorregioncode;countryorregioncode RussianFederation007Greece0030 Holland0031Belgium0032 France0033Spain0034 Gibraltar00350Portugal00351 Luxemburg00352Ireland00353 Iceland00354Albania00355 Malta00356Andorra00376 Finland00358Bulgaria00359 Hungary0036Germany0049 Yugoslavia00381Italy0039 The003906698SanMarino00378 Romania...
Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) for the United States; Policies and Requirements; Comments RequestLawrence E. Strickling
Calling the UK from the US? This step-by-step guide shows you how to call anywhere in the United Kingdom from the United States.