The United Kingdom (UK) was formed in on January 1, 1801 and constituted and still constitutes the greater part of the British Isles. In history it was the union of what were once four separate n atio ns: En gla nd, Scotla nd, Wales and Irela nd. Whe n the Irish Free State ...
60、rson who likes animals cannot be all bad.The English adore animalsall kinds of animals.They keep them, not, as other nations do, primarily to guard their property, for scientific interest or for status, but for company.Animals, especially pets, are vital to English life.They are not ...
(C)Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946 to help children after World War II in Europe, UNICEF was first known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system,its task being to help children...
These countries are described as “safe jurisdictions”, that is, they are primarily liberal democracies with low levels of social and political risk14. The membership of Cluster 2 is: Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Mexico, and the United States of America (USA). Across Cluster 2, ...
The Liberal Democrats was formed in 1988, by a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party. To some extent, the Liberal Democrats may be seen as a "middle" party, occupying the ideological ground between the two major parties. As such, at election times it may receive vote...
Pontiac’s War or Pontiac’s Rebellion was a war that was launched in 1763 by a loose confederation of elements of Native American tribes primarily from the Great Lakes region, the Illinois Country, and Ohio Country who were dissatisfied with British postwar policies in the Great Lakes region ...
Primarily, a large piece of recently downloaded Google images (for 2017, printed on A1 paper sizes) were used for identifying abandoned farmlands in the study area. Initially, members of ward offices, elected presidents, teachers, social mobilisers and villagers were asked to mark on the Google...
Adam Smith was a philosopher and economic theorist born in Scotland in 1723. He's known primarily for his groundbreaking 1776 book on economics called "An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations."11Smith introduced the concept that free trade would benefit individuals and so...
The English formed the nucleus of the American people. The immigration of the third quarter of the 19th century was primarily from Germany, Ireland, England, and the Scandinavian countries. In the last quarter of the 19th century there was an influx of new Americans from Italy, Austria-Hungary...
Urbanized industry was limited primarily to the northeast; cotton cloth production was the leading industry, with the manufacture of shoes, woolen clothing and machinery also expanding. 工业革命始于18世纪的欧洲,并迅速蔓延到美国。到1860年亚伯拉罕·林肯当选总统时,美国16%的人口居住在城市地区,全国三分...