In other words, by building upon the information value chain perspective, we theorize and test whether and how each specific information resource (i.e., quality data and data analytics sensing capability) adds utility value to the unit (i.e., marketing innovation) and economic value to the ...
No increment is observed for the specific thermal energy consumption per permeate unit (STEC), kJ kg−1, which directly depends on the permeate rate over the membrane area. Full size image For a membrane area of 0.01 m2 (dimensions typically used at lab-scale), membrane M0 in Fig. 3a,...
Grid observability depends on the number and position within the grid of available measurements [4]. The novelty of our work in comparison to the above is the assessment of the trade-off between accuracy and timeliness for DSSE based on periodical data collection utilizing idle periods of legacy...
Here, we develop a theoretical model for full-immersion brewing of coffee to answer these questions. We assume the beverage solution and solid coffee grounds reach an effective equilibrium between desorption and adsorption that can be approximated with a single equilibrium constant reflecting the average...
From a degrowth lens, ongoing growth constitutes a core imperative of capitalist development. For example, Hickel defines capitalism as a social-economic system “organized around the imperative of constant expansion, or growth,” that requires “ever-increasing levels of industrial extraction, productio...
The quantile cointegration test of Xiao (2009) requires the variables to be I(1) processes; thus, we first analyze the unit root properties of the variables at each quantile of the conditional distribution considering the conditional mean. We use the quantile auto-regressive (QAR) unit root tes...
Because prior knowledge determines the processing of new information (e.g., Carmichael and Hayes, 2001; Ohst et al. 2014; Stern, 2009), understanding new concepts depends upon the compatibility between the concept to be learned and existing conceptual knowledge. To enable learning in the event ...
The 100 line becomes the midpoint or zero line.See also: Analysis 金融 | 缩略语 | 股票 * 变化率 Rate of Change 参见ROC(变化率)。 Category: 金融 * 边际成本 Marginal Cost 指多生产一单位的产品所增加的成本,例如多生产一双鞋而需要的皮料和劳动力。边际成本与诸如厂房和机器等固定成本不同,后者...
Fig. 8. Age efficiency unit profile. Tuition for the 1951 cohort is the real TFRB charges from 1951 to 1954 as shown in Fig. 5. We divide them by the data of real labor income of age 18 unskilled workers in 1951 and thus convert these four-year tuitions into four ratios. The rati...
economy is not generating enough jobs to employ all of those adults that want to work. When people cannot find work, they lower their consumption and the economy slows. The inflation rate measures the rise in prices over time. When demand exceeds supply, prices go up. Excess demand can ...