The purpose of this column is to highlight some of the unbelievable tricks job seekers are playing on themselves so they can pretend someone’s going to find them a job. What I’d like is your take on these efforts to dress up excuse after clever excuse for how to avoid doing the hard...
refugees during the holocaust unfolds in this unbelievable true story. the film's harrowing portrayal of the nazi atrocities and its powerful black-and-white cinematography evoke an immense sense of loss and sorrow, making it one of the most poignant films on this dark period in history. ...
refugees during the holocaust unfolds in this unbelievable true story. the film's harrowing portrayal of the nazi atrocities and its powerful black-and-white cinematography evoke an immense sense of loss and sorrow, making it one of the most poignant films on this dark period in history. ...
Unbelievable." "Banshee really did a number on this gun! It's never been this reliable!" "Hope Holliday is safe out there." "I wonder what Holliday is doing later?" "The Eliksni need our help. If we turn our backs on them now, we might as well put a gun in their hands and ...
On March 27th, 1977, on the Spanish island of Tenerife, two Boeing 747s collided on a foggy runway, killing 583 people. There’s a surreal, almost mythical aura that surrounds the accident, due in no small part to the almost unbelievable cascade of ironies and coincidences that led to it...
Renek’s assessment of Tweed was more Puritanical than Marxist, however: “Tweed was a crook of unbelievable magnitude whose reach went through every layer of society: respectable and disreputable, press and church, courts and police, reform and conservative, poor and wealthy. Tweed had mined ...
(2013), brought together an unbelievable ensemble cast of actors who did spectacular work with Letts acerbic and razor-sharp dialogue. Given that many of the personalities in the narrative are dominant matriarchal characters, the casting of Meryl Streep and Margo Martindale in the roles of Violet...
And, as evidence that theCity of Portland’squestionable decisions did not just start with the pandemic, inOld Town Brewing – Part II | Thebeerchaser, I chronicled, in part, Adam’s unbelievable battle over the trademark issue: “….an example of bad judgment on the part of the City –...
Mrs.Kingsly: “Isn’t my Turner divine? Look at it! It grows on you.” Hardy Cathcart: “You make it sound like a species of fungus.” Hardy “I found the portrait long before I met Mari, and I worshiped it. When I did meet her it was as if I’d always known her. And want...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux