该系列在国内虽然冷门,但在国外却颇受好评,“收视率”更是连续三年得冠,是Netflix平台下最火的几部剧之一。 现在全剧已经更新完,还没看过的剧迷可以追了—— 《伞学院 》(剧终)The Umbrella Academy Netflix出品,曾凭借4500万播放量登上Netflix年度最受欢迎剧集第三位,仅次于《怪奇物语》和《猎魔人》且收视...
The Umbrella Academy is a comic book limited series written by Gerard Way of the rock band My Chemical Romance. The comic features illustrations by Gabriel Bá. 丛书信息 ··· The Umbrella Academy(共3册),这套丛书还有 《The Umbrella Academy》《The Umbrella Academy Volume 3》。 喜欢读"The...
'The Umbrella Academy’s David Castañeda & Justin H. Min Share Their Thoughts on the Divisive Series Finale According to David Castañeda, yes, the cat that made it into his big fight scene was real. 1 ByChristina Radish Aug 25, 2024 ...
The Umbrella Academy: Seven Bells Luther: “You know, I, um, really wish you wouldn't have done that.” Sloane: “How does it hurt to hear what he has to say?” Luther: “Ah, don't underestimate the damage that man can do at a family meeting.”...
Review: Forget Marvel. Netflix's latest superhero series doesn't hold back on getting superhero powers straight to your screen. Aloysius Low Feb. 17, 2019 4:44 p.m. PT 4 min read Christos Kalohoridis/Netflix Netflix'sThe Umbrella Academy, based on the Eisner-winningcomicsby My Chemical...
《伞学院》改编自Gerard Way创作的同名漫画,Gerard曾是著名朋克乐队My Chemical Romance的主唱。漫画采取怪诞新奇风格,描述了在肯尼迪未遇刺的架空历史中,7名各自具有不同超能力的孩子在亿万富翁雷金纳德·哈格里夫斯爵士的管理下组成了伞学院。这些孩子在世界各地同时分娩,被哈格里夫斯爵士视为非凡的存在。
Netflix's superpowered comic adaptation of 'The Umbrella Academy' returns for a second season of cheeky action/comedy montages, time travel paradoxes and pending apocalypses.
The Umbrella Academy is based on the comic book of the same name created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. The Hargreeves — collectively known as The Umbrella Academy — were born with superpowers, and their adoptive father utilized their abilities. However, as they grew older, the siblings gr...
‘The Umbrella Academy’ season three review: superhero show remains bizarre, brilliant and heartfelt Tackling themes of family, belonging and power, season three finds our heroes dealing with childhood trauma and the heartfelt weight of all they’ve lost 23rd June 2022 Elliot Page says ‘The ...