While we predict that IGO membership will create more entrepreneurial opportunities, we do not expect these opportunities to be the same for all entrepreneurial activities. One specific distinction that has been a focal point is between formal and informal entrepreneurial activities. This distinction has...
Résumé Resumen 摘要 Resumo Introduction Basic mapping approach and legend Detailed mapping procedure Karst water sources and cave database Draft karst aquifer map of Europe Conclusions References Acknowledgements Author information Additional information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDisco...
While the consequences of 2020 Pantanal fires warrant further studies, determining the disproportionate impact of these human-induced fires on critical species is the first step in understanding the extent and severity of the damage. Here, we addressed this challenge by investigating how fire has impa...
Based on the above criteria, a total of 21 journals publishing 22 theory papers (including the nine foundational pieces mentioned above) and 65 empirical articles were included in our review, as listed in Table2. Notably we also searched theAcademy of Management Journal,Administrative Science Quarte...
Resumo Consumidores nos mercados ocidentais são cada vez mais críticos em relação a globalização e retomam valores locais. Empresas devem, portanto, decidir se continuam a buscar estratégias globais de marca e/ou rejuvenescer estratégias locais de marca. Para explorar as implicaç...