Friendships are not just a sentimental indulgence. They are a core part of the human experience. —Rangan Chatterjee 72 Human behavior, including indulging in various activities, stems from a desire to modulate neurochemistry, influencing emotional experiences. —Gary Brecka 64 I fear the day that ...
George A. Romero’s The Crazies and Breck Eisner’s The Crazies inspire an exceptional case study about the peaceful coexistence between remakes and originals. Both filmmakers choose unique perspectives when dooming small-town America, even though the early 1970s and dawning 2010s validate eerily ...
Kindness is a universal language that blind men see and deaf men hear. If I have to talk about the amazing human abilities I would talk first about human kindness. It separates us from the rest of living things. It exposes our spirit and gives us the means to prevail. If people around ...
and have uncovered what can make grains really unhealthy and which ones make a nutritious addition to any diet because they are whole, unadulterated and real foods.
single-cell transcriptomics of the human lung have enabled the identification of new cell types, increased the understanding of differentiation trajectories during lung development and regeneration, and allowed the comprehension of pathological processes from a cell type-specific point of view3,4,5,6,7...