these adaptive measures must be implemented under the principle of economic rationalism,ecological integrity,climate protection,and social justice.It is expected that by combining the climate capacity and its threshold value with the assessment of climate change risks,we are able to predict the optimal...
Like a typical chemical battery, it has-a positively charged side called a cathode (正极), a negatively charged side called an anode (负极), and a conductive material called an electrolyte (电解质)between the two. A traditional battery’s components are packaged in plastic and metal; in the...
The two main types of models used for assessing the economic consequences of climate change are Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models and Integrated Assessment models (IAM). CGE models focus on the relations between different economic actors and contain a full description of the economic system...
Rajamani, Lavanya (2000), 'The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility and the Balance of Commitments Under the Climate Regime', Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 9 (2), 120-131.Rajamani, L. 2000. The Principle of Common but Differentiated ...
arefacingalong-termlaborshortage. 13 who sufferfromeconomiclossesduetolaborshortage. Second, 14 Theproblemsfrom climate change,suchasextremeweather,shrinkingagriculturallandsandthelakeofnaturalresources, makeinvasion(创新)andefficiencyallthemore urgent. 15 Theglobalmarketforagricultural robots,expected haveahigher...
It takes a sweeping view of the reshaping of the climate of ideas in the US after the Civil War, when pre-war traditions were replaced thanks to a combination of influences: the professionalisation of intellectual life in universities, the impact of scientific discovery particularly Darwin, and ...
the ocean waves the odd couples the offense principle the offer to the gene the office of destina the oil painting of l the oilclouds see its the old acre developm the old empires the old man in the mo the old woman and the the older the older man the oldest light the olympic torch...
5B). The results suggested that the first three principle components could effectively the 88.66% of the total variance in the data. Thus, the CBYN could be classified into 4 clusters based on the spatial similarities of topographic and climate factors (Fig. 5). Driver Cluster (DC) 1 was ...
a政府间气候变化小组(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,简称IPCC)已经预计从1990年到2100年全球气温将升高1.4℃—5.8℃。目前的评估显示,京都议定书如果能被彻底完全的执行,到2050年之前仅可以把气温的升幅减少0.02℃—0.28℃,正因为如此,许多批评家和环保主义者质疑京都议定书的价值,认为其标准定得太低根本...
On the very first section of this paper is expressed why to focus on climate change and human health; section two brings the theoretical framework based on globalization, the hegemonic debate in regarding climate change and world system theory; portion three brings the main consequences of climate...