In the WAN ,when a point-to-point subnet is used important design issue is the roucer interconnection (37) . A.topology C.service D.lines [答案] A 下面哪个 IP 地址是有效的 (38 ) 。 A. B. C. D. [答案] A 控制器由多个部...
Internally, the central processing unit (CPU) consists of two parts 在内部,中央处理单元(CPU)由两部分组成: A. The control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) 控制单元和算术逻辑单元 B. The control unit and main memory 控制单元和主存储器 C. The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) ...
以地震带和火山将全球岩石圈划分六个一级板块,包括下面哪几项( )。
understandthefunctionalityofthebasiccomponentsofthesystemunit ComputingEssentials2017 SystemUnit ☞SystemChassis ➢Containerthathousesmostoftheelectroniccomponents thatmakeupacomputersystem ☞SystemUnit ➢Containssystem’selectroniccomponentsandselected secondarystoragedevices 4 ComputingEssentials2017 SystemUnitTypes ...
●The CPU is composed of two components,which are (66) . (66)A.asthmatics logic unit and controllerB.arithmetic logic unit and memoryC.memory and controllerD.controller and storage的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学
Thecentralprocessingunit(CPU)containsthecontrolunit andthearithmetic/logicunit.Thesetwocomponentswork togetherusingtheprogramanddatastoredinmainmemoryto performtheprocessingoperations. Chapter4TheProcessorUnit Thecontrolunitcanbethoughtofasthebrainofthe computer.Justasthehumanbraincontrolsthebody,thecontrol ...
The CPU is composed of two components,which areA.arithmetic logic unit and controllerB.memThe CPU is composed of two components,which are A.arithmetic logic unit and controller B.memory and controller C.arithmetic logic unit and memory D.controller and storage查看...
aTo improve both the utilization of the CPU and the speed of the computer’s response to its users, general-purpose computers must keep several programs in memory, creating a need for memory management. Many different memory-management schemes are used. These schemes reflect various approaches, ...
* Please replace the higher specification CPU to verify if you have one Number of DRAM item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 one Install as recommend install in other slot two Install as recommend exchange each slot install single DRAM in recommend slot install in other slot four Install as recom...
Chips in the semiconductor industry are categorized in two ways, by functionality and by type of integrated circuit (IC).