(Anatomy) either of the two main branches of the trachea, which contain cartilage within their walls [C18: from New Latin, from Greekbronkhoswindpipe] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007...
1.a blood vessel that conveys blood from the heart to any part of the body. 2.a main channel or highway, esp. of a connected system with many branches. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latinartēria< Greek artēría windpipe, artery] ...
1.7 Main branches (scope) of linguistics语言学的主要分支 Lingusitics should include at least five branches, namely: phonologic, morphologic, syntactic, senmantic and pragmatic.语言学至少包括五个分支:语音、形态、句法、语义、和语用。 General lingusitics 普通语言学the study of language as a whole ...
The rainforest's real action is in the canopy layer . This is where most plants and animals live . It is like a thick roof made out of tree branches and vines. Many trees in the canopy are covered with climbing vines and epiphytes . Epiphyt...
With the mahui eye the aerosol branches and the interposition tube inside the windpipe where is suppliedThe present invention relates to endotracheal tubes used for conducting gases or vapors along the trachea, for example by an anesthesiologist, paramedic or emergency room doctor. In particular, ...
The clouds in the skies, the satiny beech-limbs, the little intertwined branches of the forestcanopy, the hoar-frost that covered the foliage on the ground—everything grew flushed and red. More and more sunbeams came bursting through space, and soon the night's terrors were driven away, ...
all of our lines would meet at a single woman who lived in eastern Africa between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. Though she was one of perhaps thousands of women alive at the time, only the diverse branches of her haplogroup have survived to today. The story of my maternal line begins...
Despite the innate and natural quality of singing, the training of the singing voice for artistic purposes is among the most subtle and difficult branches of music pedagogy. The instrument is within the performer, and the condition of the vocal apparatus, and thus the quality of the voice, is...
but leaping into the branches of the trees sped rapidly through the forest. He knew the windings of the elephant trail along which Kala's murderer had flown, and so he cut straight through the jungle to intercept the black warrior who was evidently following the tortuous detours of the trail...
Harpy : Yep . They can scoop unsuspecting animals right off tree branches . Hey , there's a monkey now ! I'll see you later! 角鵰;杀人鹰 记者:你好,角鹰。你真的是美洲最大的鹰吗? 角鹰:我想是的。我大约一米高,有三英尺多高。