Background: The term God, included in 5 of the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), self-designated spiritual fellowships, has not been studied empirically relative to members' experiences. A greater understanding of this can be clinically useful and can shed ...
Krentzman (2019) conducted a grounded theory study of the theme of gratitude in the writings of Alcoholics Anonymous’ co-founder, Bill Wilson, and found that, when addressing gratitude in his writings, Wilson described the AA program and recovery as gifts that come not from one’s own self,...
[After theTwelve Steps,name for the twelve guiding concepts of the Alcoholics Anonymous program for curbing alcohol addiction.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcour...
as this will later effect his interpretation of the Twelve Steps. Also, that fact that Bill places a high value on sobriety and a much lower value on moral purity will effect his style of working with others, both in person and in writing, and so Bill’s values will...
$5.99 Screenshots iPhone iPad Description More than a million people have relied on the words of Day by Day as an essential source of inspiration, spirituality, and mindfulness for their ongoing health and wellness. Reinforcing the Twelve Step principles of Narcotics Anonymous, each thought of the...
AA创立了“12步疗法”,这与其他的康复组织如Al-anon,一个借助家庭与朋友辅助戒酒的组织,或Narcotics Anonymous,一个对潜在酗酒者进行辅助医治的组织所采用的方法类似,虽然AA采用的方法较为严酷,但它确实是帮助戒除酒瘾行之有效的方法。 AA在各种影视音乐作品上出现过多次,除了DT一直引用的12步疗法,近几年非常火的...
Alcoholics Anonymous Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Alcoholics Anonymous:alcoholism,Narcotics Anonymous n an association of alcoholics who try, esp by mutual assistance, to overcome alcoholism Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
-- Narcotics Anonymous Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us." --Richie Norton Will you go and share the Good News of Jesus with others on your block and world? "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes....
“I’ll only help them to follow Jesus, reject narcotics, and not participate in organized crime,” she told him. And yet the leader continued to support Jackie and even released from the gang those boys who became Christians[3].
It was about two women who share a house, schoolteachers, one of whom, when the other becomes engaged, spreads with anonymous notes a scandal that prevents the marriage. As I read, each glimpse I stole of Holly made my heart contract. She fidgeted. She picked apart the butts in an ...