Directed by Andy Fickman, this film is another modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's works – this time: Twelfth Night. The story revolves around Viola Hastings (Amanda Bynes) who disguises herself as her twin brother to play on the boys' soccer team after her own team gets cut. This...
Over 80K filmgoers have voted on the 150+ Best Teen Romance Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: 10 Things I Hate About You, She's the Man, A Walk to Remember ...
42 珍宝|【美国夜半自伤Emo/慢核】The Blacktop Cadence - Last Night...After I Bought The Wine 05:16 珍宝|【美国宝藏弦乐系Emo/独立摇滚】Muscle & Bone - Peace & Light (Chris French Mix) 02:49 珍宝|【美国90年古早Emo/后硬核考古】Lungfish - Nothing Is Easy 05:02 珍宝|【美国地下Emo/后硬核...
"Michael Boyd'sTwelfth Nightis a holiday. Whatever the cares of running the Royal Shakespeare Company, he seems to have shrugged them off in this production. It's fresh, funny, poignant and uses jazz to wonderful effect. I loved it. Feste resembles a young George Melly in his checked suit...
See Film Focus - 21st Century Bard (The Making of Twelfth Night): The Business of Film's production, company, and contact information. Explore Film Focus - 21st Century Bard (The Making of Twelfth Night): The Business of Film's box office performance, fo
(redirected fromTeeny bopper) Dictionary teenybopper A teenaged girl who closely follows or adheres to the trends and preoccupations typical of adolescence, especially as defined or directed by popular culture.The pop-idol's concerts always draw tens of thousands of teenyboppers.You're nearly 30...
317. Jim a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. would be watching 4Jim___ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, thetelevision went ...
Twelfth Night opens with a shipwreck. In her menacing extreme weather speech in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Titania speaks of tremendous floods, rotting crops, and disappearing seasons. Now, we have 24-hour news channels that thrive on disaster porn.Nye appeals to our attraction to calamity, ...
第十二夜 / TWELFTH NIGHT 导演/ Director 蒂姆·卡罗 Tim Carroll 放映时长 / Running Time 191mins 制作年份 / Year 2013年 孪生兄妹薇奥拉和西巴斯辛遭遇海难,妹妹薇奥拉改扮男装,投身奥西诺公爵家中为侍童,并充当了他的使者,向奥莉薇亚小姐求爱。不料奥莉薇亚小姐与女扮男装的使者一见钟情,而使者薇奥拉却偷偷...
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