Book Review: Tulips, and Not Just from Amsterdam ; the Tulip by Anna Pavord Bloomsbury Pounds 8.99Last year saw the publication of three books about tulips and as many on orchids. While gardening might be the new cookery, the reason for this pre-millennial flowering of botanical books has ...
Then, early this year, I was given a remarkable book - The Tulip* by Anna Pavord - and I knew I had to start growing them again. It's not so much about how to grow them, but about their story over the centuries. It's an odd twist that the virus that causes havoc among lilies...
I love the idea that the silver stain turns yellow in the firing process so that the panel moves gently and richly away from monochrome. I see the same natural, quiet lustre again in the lovely handblown glass from Afghanistan from the brilliantIshkar,a company set up to import pieces made... OPEN Tracing the introduction history of the tulip that went wild (Tulipa sylvestris) in sixteenth‑century Europe Anastasia Stefanaki 1,2*, Tilmann Walter3 & Tinde van Andel1,2,4 Tulipa sylvestris, commonly called the "wild tulip",...
Lady of the tulipsPresents the book `The Tulip,' by Anna Pavord. Preview of the book's contents addressing issues on breeding tulips; Pavord's comments.Carr, KristenTown & Country
Instead there are dark reflecting pools, rills and canals. The show gardens, which used to be such solid affairs - plenty of concrete paving slabs surrounded by banks of knicker- pink rhododendrons - have become mysteriously insubstantial, flickering, glittering with water.Pavord, Anna...
The Netherlands was gripped by tulip hysteria until 1637, when the bottom suddenly dropped out of the market. Nowadays the flowers are still the nation's favourite, but prices are much more down to earth. WHY ARE THE DUTCH SO KEEN ON FLOWERS? Anna Pavord puts it down to the weather...
Tuesday Book: On the Scent of Flower Power THE TULIP BY ANNA PAVORD, BLOOMSBURY, Pounds 30"IF ANYTHING was worth bankrupting yourself for, tulips were,"writes Anna Pavord. She will not...Atkins, Rosie
Books: The Wildly Sexy Rebel on the Garage Forecourt the Tulip by Anna Pavord Bloomsbury Pounds 30A nd what is this Toolip?" asked Thomas Fuller, testily, in 1655. He knew perfectly well. It is "a Flower (in courtesie I will term it so, though it deserve not the appellation), ...