The Tudors: Created by Michael Hirst. With Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Henry Cavill, Anthony Brophy, James Frain. Epic series reveals the scandalous life of a young king whose affairs and obsession with producing a male heir changed marriage, the church, and t
The Tudors《都铎王朝(2007)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,各位大人 My lords, 王后擅自离席 in the absence of the queen herself, 本庭宣判其违反法庭命令 whom this tribunal has pronounced contumacious, 既然王后传唤时缺席 since she does not appear whe
The Tudors《都铎王朝(2007)》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Chapel Royal London 1536 皇家礼拜堂 伦敦 1536年 Jane? Your Majesty. 简 陛下 We are come here together 此刻我们齐聚一堂 before god and these witnesses 在上帝以及各位的见证下 to join in Holy
The Tudors The tumultuous early years of the reign of King Henry VIII. Category: TV Program Also ranks #1 on The Greatest TV Shows About Kings & Queens Also ranks #3 on The Best TV Shows About Ancestry Also ranks #4 on The 70+ Best Historical Fiction Shows 3 votes Good suggestion? Pho...
Of course, this repetition is itself a sign of the instability of the romance of masculinity as staged through the court in The Tudors . Jonathan Rhys Mears' body has to be lauded and staged over and over again in order to publicly defeat historicism and in the process sustain a notion ...
Furthermore,inordertoshowhisgratitude thepopehasdecidedtohonouryouwithanewtitle: Fideidefensor. Fideidefensor. Defenderofthefaith. Butyourmajestyshouldknowthatmartinluther hasalsorespondedtoyourwork. Whatdidhesay? Wellheaccusesyouof... yes? Heaccusesyouofravinglikeastrumpetinatantrum. ...
According toThe Tudors, things were hot and heavy in 16th century England. Or at least, wherever Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ King Henry VIII went. The best sex scene:King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s first hookup will rock your world.
The Tudors are the most famous English royal dynasty, their name remaining at the forefront of European history thanks to films and television. Of course, the Tudors wouldn’t feature in the media without something to grab people’s attention, and the Tudors — Henry VII, his son Henry VIII...
The Tudors are one of the most remarkable dynasties in English history. They successfully ended the Wars of Roses and founded the House of Tudor.
The Game of Crowns: The Tudors《王冠的游戏:都铎家族(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,- [Narrator] For those in power or vying for it,there can be no rest. -[旁白]对于那些掌握权力或争夺权力的人来说,他们不能休息。 (Henry VII battle cries) [亨利七世发出