The TSL Group of Companies began its operations in Trinidad and Tobago in 1979. The Group encompasses a diverse scope of sectors and have been serving multiple industries in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean. The group employs a total of over 250 staff regionally and provides end to...
sailors were responsible for the epidemic of venereal syphilis in Europe in the late fifteenth century following sexual relations with local Haitian women [2], while the link between travel and the spread of novel STIs was also established in Thailand in the 1980s [30], and Trinidad and Tobag...
trinidad dam trinidad-coloniales trinitro trinity form trinity gese test trinity valley commun trinominal nomenclatu triodontophorus trioleate trionych triosteum l triotrast trioxina a la basura trip tripped tripped trip blank sample trip by lical protect trip demand signal trip engineering trip pur...
trini girl trinick trinidad and tobago n trinidad bolivia trinitrotoluene trinity christian cen trinity edition trinity gardens caber trinity necklace trinocular tube trinoxol trinxa trio klezele trio un poco piu lent triode etcher triode ion pump triode peak detector triodontidae triohoderma aureoviri...
tringa stagnatilis trinh tung trinidad solitary trinidadcanna trinisphere trinitrofluorenone trinitrophenyl group trinitroresorein trinity church new yo trinity coal trinity college of ar trinity lutheran coll trinitÀ dei monti trinitÉ et tobago trinke diesen saft un trinketmenu trinodalquartic trinucl...
trimph italia trinadad tringganu trinidad asphalt trinidad robustos ext trinidad und tobago e trinidadtobagod trinidadian trinity county texas trinity hall cambridg trinity language cent trinox trintignant jean-loui trioateum pimatifidum triocephalus triodanis triode clamp trionychoidea triopo g-1227 ...
tsyn tszvetana pironkova tt capital transfer t tt trinidadandtobago ttan ttandc tracking telem ttansportation ttc the passions phil ttc tram ttctriphenyltetrazoli ttcat tten tter fallen ttfd tthmp tthree-movement form tti freight forwarder ttkt ttl compatibility ttltransistor-transis ttlttl ttm...
tsinling axis tsintaosaurus spinorh tsintsars tsiu thelloat tong tsl mnemonic language tsld tsld tri-state logic tsles of the vienna w tso timesharingoperat tso-tsai wang tsodilo tsok-ka tsonev tsong hwang tsong-shin lim tsoongii merr et perr tsop thin small outli tsopthin small outlin...
trinidad piping-guan trinitized secrets of trinitrotoluene trini trinity high water ma trinity sunday trinit trinitydevelopmentcol trinonanoate trinterface trio launch european triodesputter trioicous triolium birtum trionychinac triopo g-1127 triovulate trioxohexahydropyrimi trioza erytreae trip capacito...
United Kingdom (Brewer and Kerslake 2015; Robinson and Wright 2013), USA (Baldner and McGinley 2014), France (Lelorain et al. 2013), Turkey (Celik et al. 2013; Totan et al. 2012), Romania (Miu and Baltes¸ 2012; Baltes, and Miu 2014) and Trinidad and Tobago (Youssef et al. 20...